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Need a Portable Radio for Second Life

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Open an external media player app that can handle Icecast and Shoutcast streams and play it there with music and media streams disabled in the Second Life client audio mixer. I suggest this because as far as I know, the music stream in Second Life is strictly a function of the land parcel you're standing over. There's discussion though of doing it with a media prim face on a HUD, but that'd be for web-based content as far as we know.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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  • 3 months later...
On 12/4/2020 at 10:16 AM, Chroma Starlight said:

Open an external media player app that can handle Icecast and Shoutcast streams and play it there with music and media streams disabled in the Second Life client audio mixer. I suggest this because as far as I know, the music stream in Second Life is strictly a function of the land parcel you're standing over. There's discussion though of doing it with a media prim face on a HUD, but that'd be for web-based content as far as we know.

Since sounds can come from other sources aside from the SL feed, I am looking to do that.


I own a Second Life radio station and want to offer our listeners, many of which are hunters, a way to hear our stream throughout the grid in an object they are holding.

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33 minutes ago, JudeConnors said:

want to offer our listeners, many of which are hunters, a way to hear our stream throughout the grid in an object they are holding.

let them open your stream on their local machine, and not collect bans caused by public annoyance at many sl locations.

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33 minutes ago, JudeConnors said:

Since sounds can come from other sources aside from the SL feed, I am looking to do that.


I own a Second Life radio station and want to offer our listeners, many of which are hunters, a way to hear our stream throughout the grid in an object they are holding.

Pretty sure that might end up being called spam by anyone else around them.  Someone would inevitably use it in an area just to annoy people and get ARed.

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48 minutes ago, JudeConnors said:

I own a Second Life radio station and want to offer our listeners, many of which are hunters, a way to hear our stream throughout the grid in an object they are holding.

we do this with http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPrimMediaParams

person wears the media prim as an attachment. Can be a HUD attachment or can be designed as a avatar accessory - ipod, earbuds, etc

the url should connect to a HTML5 player on your website. Is best that the webpage just has the player on it and it auto-plays on connection. Person wearing can start/stop it playing with the viewer Media sound controls


edit add: about other people

when the media is an attachment then other people can only hear it when they enable: Preferences \ Sound & Media \ Play media attached to other avatars. This option is OFF by default in the Linden Viewer

ps. I have made my own one of these for myself. I wear it all the time, just because I can. In all the time I have, I only ever met one person who had enabled Play attached media


Edited by Mollymews
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4 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

we do this with http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/LlSetPrimMediaParams

person wears the media prim as an attachment. Can be a HUD attachment or can be designed as a avatar accessory - ipod, earbuds, etc

the url should connect to a HTML5 player on your website. Is best that the webpage just has the player on it and it auto-plays on connection

That's a pretty decent alternative idea for what I want! Thanks!

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10 minutes ago, JudeConnors said:

That's a pretty decent alternative idea for what I want! Thanks!

if you only want it to play your station then it doesn't need scripting. Can just use the Edit tool and set the Media Texture to your webpage. And your webpage player being on auto-play will start playing thru SL when attached. Person stop/starting it with viewer Media controls

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  • 2 weeks later...

Wouldn't it be just as easy to make a fake radio and simply tell them to listen on the PC URL?   I mean I do that if I go to a club and don't like the music but have good friends there.

If I'm not mistaken a shoutcast stream can be played over the internet too.   Give them the stream URL and they can listen and hunt all they want.  Added benefit: They won't scare off the game.


And as someone said do you really want to be bothering people around you with your music?

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8 hours ago, Doris Johnsky said:

And as someone said do you really want to be bothering people around you with your music?

if the radio is attached to HUD then nobody else will ever hear it

if the radio is attached to avatar then only time other people will hear it is when they enable Preferences \ Sound & Media \ Play media attached to other avatars (which is disabled by default)


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