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Tweenster Neck Help Needed, Please Help


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Hi all

Can anyone help with this problem?

I've got a tweenster body with a Genus head... and there is a grey band around the neck that I just can't remove. It appears part of the Tweenster, but the neck blend option doesn't seem to come close to blending it... I've also tried all the neck blend options on the Genus but that just makes things worse... I'm sure it's something I'm doing wrong... but I've tried everything I can think of. Any help greatly appreciated. :)


Midge 2.1.png


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It looks like you have a neck-blend with no texture on it. 

I don't know the Tweenster body, but what to do will depend on whether the body is Mod or not.

If it's mod, and you're using BOM, then you can manually set the neck-blend to mod as well by going into Edit, Textures tab, then check "Select Face" and click on the neck-blend piece. Click on the Texture panel, select "Baked" and then from the dropdown menu choose "BAKED_UPPER".

If it's mod and you're NOT using BOM, you could apply a skin texture file to it, if you have one. As above but instead of selecting the Baked option, select Inventory, and drag the skin texture from there into the texture box. If the texture is for a skin that isn't the same one you're wearing there will be a mismatch but not as bad.

If it's no-mod, then there ought to be something in the hud to apply a skin choice to it, or at least to hide it. If there appears to be no such thing in the HUD, then maybe the best plan would be to join the Tweenster store group if there is one, and ask in there. Or maybe send a message to the creator. 

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I never had much success with the built-in neck fix faders.  They look too much like molting skin to my eyes.  I have them turned off and use BoM instead.  The neck fix for the Genus head, I think, comes as a separate attachment.  For the Tweenster body, go to the alpha section in the HUD and click on "Fader" to turn off the neck blender.


I've had better results with turning off the shine, gloss, and materials in both head and body, and getting the same head and body skin from the same store. If you can't find matching head and body skins, you can pick up a BoM neck blender and tint it to a close match to bridge the skins you already have.

Edited by Eddy Vortex
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