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i do not understand this message,


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Something you have put on, sat on, or rezzed is trying to pose you or animate you, but the scripter did not include some of the basic checks to make sure the person to be animated has granted permissions.

Sitting on an object usually grants these automatically, as does wearing, but some very old scripts still get things wrong..

It sometimes occurs when you rezz an item in world that is supposed to be worn. The script assumes it has permissions because it assumes it has been attached.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Yes, you can generally just ignore that error message for the most part. 

It can happen at seemingly random times from objects that worked perfectly just minutes prior as you attempt to sit or as you cross into another region seated in a moving vehicle (boat, plane, motorcycle, etc.). The scripts used by some content creators are more prone to this than some others.  One of my motor vehicle scripts tends to do this once in awhile after about 50 region crossings and when it happens once, it'll happen at every region crossing thereafter unless I stop and wait for the servers to 'catch-up' and the error message icon disappears.  Once that icon vanishes all works normal for awhile until another crossing causes it.  A different vehicle script I use has almost no problems like that whatsoever.  It can still occur but it's rare with that particular 'engine' script and even if it does appear, I can continue onward without it repeating.  That particular script has been able to cross over 200 region crossings at moderate to high speeds without fail or with very minimal issues.   

I do a lot of vehicle testing on private regions, mainland & Blake Sea or other open waters.  People that sail or fly a lot over mainland have seen this many times, it's a rather common, albeit annoying, experience.   I see it happen mostly after a region crossing, but it can and does happen at other times, with no region crossings involved.  

It's not always the fault of the creator or that particular script.  There are some issues and situations that can trigger this when it should not.  That being said, poor scripting practices by the creator can also be the cause or make any particular script(s) more prone to this issue.  YMMV

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