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Surreal Chung

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Visit us at Tuarua Fiji Estates where we have all you need for a great time on the water. There is a race line in Anse Etoile Isle  http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Anse Etoile Isle/17/129/23  that's open to all to use. There is a GTFO (get the frieght out) hub in Glacis http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Glacis Isle/193/189/22 and of course  our Cloud 9 floating bar in Banc auxCocos Isle http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Banc auxCocos Isle/31/208/22. Also we have great flying facilities with a 4 region air hub to the south based around Maho Beach and a smaller single region airfield to the north at Du Sud Isle. These are rented regions so not directly estate run items but they are open for all to use. We have great sailing facilities with all water open for sailing, no ban lines, and tough rules for security orbs. If you have any inquiries don't hesitate to contact either:

Surreal Chung = Estate Owner

Donald Chung = Estate Manager

 MargotFenring = Estate Manager


anse etoile 2.png



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