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Abandoned Land

Justice Rainier

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There is a land i rented from Ravinelli & Qork Rentals. Landlords are not active for long time. I got Sound & Access control powers but I can't return the objects from the land. Can you gift me that land? :) I have it for more than 5 years

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14 minutes ago, Justice Rainier said:





There is a land i rented from Ravinelli & Qork Rentals. Landlords are not active for long time. I got Sound & Access control powers but I can't return the objects from the land. Can you gift me that land? :) I have it for more than 5 years

The forums are for Resident to Resident help and discussions.  There is nothing that we can do for you.  There is also nothing that LL will do for you in this instance.  The land belongs to whomever owns it and LL will not take it away from them unless they do not pay their bill.  Even if LL took it from the current owners, they most definitely would not gift it to you -- they would not even direct-sell it to you.

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