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The terrain does not allow taking the capabilities of the roles in my group


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I have my group linked to my land and I configured that some members do not have permissions to rezze, however they rezze, I have already verified the options of the land and also the permissions given and even then these people can rezz. I appreciate any help.



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2 answers to this question

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7 hours ago, SaekoMystic said:

I have my group linked to my land and I configured that some members do not have permissions to rezze, however they rezze, I have already verified the options of the land and also the permissions given and even then these people can rezz. I appreciate any help.



After much research, I found that you need to do the opposite of what you are doing.  

"If you want to limit which group members can build in a group owned parcel, you need to disable Group Build in the parcel settings (World -> About Land -> Options), and enable "Always allow 'create objects'" for the specific group roles that you want to grant build powers to"




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