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New Looks for Your Avatar - Advent Favs

Chic Aeon

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OK I was going to let this thread die but since someone else posted. WOOT. I will add this.  The top is from Entice today (comes with pink "pedal pusher" cropped leggings and the skirt is from Wellmade --- a late arrival as they put things out at 6 AM (likely that won't be late for me as Advent continues LOL).    You WILL need undies for the skirt (well "I" would anyway). 


Oh the skirt has a hud with three colors - red green and white.  


Edited by Chic Aeon
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Okay, so slightly off topic (only a little)

If you are hitting a new-to-you store for Christmas Advent gifts, knowing that you very likely will not like or want every single gift, how many days of 'not liking the gift / trashing the gift' do you give it before you strike that location totally from your list?



I promise I'll post a picture this weekend to keep the thread on topic and alive.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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33 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Okay, so slightly off topic (only a little)

If you are hitting a new-to-you store for Christmas Advent gifts, knowing that you very likely will not like or want every single gift, how many days of 'not liking the gift / trashing the gift' do you give it before you strike that location totally from your list?



I promise I'll post a picture this weekend to keep the thread on topic and alive.


For me, three  -- most often anyway.  I of course look at the shop to see if I like anything there AND if it appears to be good quality.  I took one off my list today because the quality just wasn't there. Another one that was on the edge put out something good then a couple of "not for me " and then today they put out something completely different and got the lead photo. So you don't know really.  Hopefully no one expects to like EVERYTHING from a creator. That would be pretty unrealistic. They are likely trying to appeal to a large audience also. 


BUT that being said, since I am mainly doing Advent for READERS (cause I really don't need more "stuff") I try to look at things that are nice quality and that some folks would like. Obviously not everything gets pictured.   Today for example there was a gorgeous picture frame at MINIMAL. Now all the MINIMAL gifts have been nice but this was the first one I went "ooooh" over.  But pretty hard to make a blog post with a picture frame  LOL.  So obviously everyone needs to make their own lists. Mine was just a starting point.  I picked out ones that had been popular in the past and added some new ones. 


There is still one store on my list that is "teetering". They gave out a really nice dress on day one (not featured) but after that it has been pretty poor quality. They don't make their own mesh so the quality varies more than with original creators obviously. Still some folks may be happy with their items and I am just being too picky.  So we'll see how I feel about it in a few days. I don't have any rules for either personal lists or public lists; I just decide one at a time. And by the time "I" take things off the public list, most folks would have their own lists made, so they could keep going to that shop.  


That's just my method. Sure others have their own. 


And while we are a tiny bit off topic, I would like to mention that Salt and Pepper's gift cards are transfer. Today's was 50 and I am guessing most of them are (I did the math and the total they mentioned).  So for folks that really LIKE gift cards that might be good to know. And 7DS is packing a VARIETY of different versions and tones in most days. So likely important to pick each day's offering up.  I am not, but my Advent blogging buddy is as she is working on a new look.  When a color comes up for my very pale alt (who rarely gets out since she is a building alt but hey we all need to look good) I will get her over there.   


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54 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

If you are hitting a new-to-you store for Christmas Advent gifts, knowing that you very likely will not like or want every single gift, how many days of 'not liking the gift / trashing the gift' do you give it before you strike that location totally from your list?

   There's plenty of great stores out there, so I drop things pretty quickly if I don't like it.

   Six months later I'll have forgotten trying something on, even if the MP says I got the demo, and I'll try it on again - and usually stay away for another six months.

   As far as apparel goes, there are a few quick ways of earning my 'meh'; improper use of materials (most would be better off just not using them, if they don't understand how to use them), poor rigging (lingerie that fits like a burlap sack just isn't very sexeh), having an alpha mode on a piece of apparel that has no alphas (what the actual snickerdoodle were they thinking?), landing in the store only to be tossed sideways violently, and subsequently have a bot or object spam me with 'join our group! Subscribe! Follow us on Flickr, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube! Join our Discord!' (give me a bloody second to render in - it's not my fault I got dropped into a room with a billion hi-rez textures and a carp ton of clutter; I'll move as soon as my avi is responsive to my movement keys, damn it). 

   Also stores that for some inexplicable reason think it a good idea to have black be a Fat Pack exclusive - do they think ye average Goths are millionaires or something?

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24 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

I of course look at the shop to see if I like anything there AND if it appears to be good quality. 

This is what I typically do, but then I managed to run across a store where the gifts don't seem to jive with what is displayed in the store. 

It doesn't cost me anything but a short bit of time to nab the gift and check it out, so I think I'll continue with the store through the weekend at the minimum.


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37 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

This is what I typically do, but then I managed to run across a store where the gifts don't seem to jive with what is displayed in the store. 

It doesn't cost me anything but a short bit of time to nab the gift and check it out, so I think I'll continue with the store through the weekend at the minimum.


There have been arguments akin to this for over a decade about quality items for HUNTS (back when hunts were a big thing and we didn't have Advent colanders).  There are some creators that -- back then anyway and maybe now too -- subscribed to the idea that it is "only a free item" and so didn't put anything good out for free. I (and others obviously) always thought that was a VERY BAD idea. 


For example and as a segue (sort of) back to the Advent gifts to update our avatars theme -- there was one new to me shop this Advent (not clothes) that I was very taken with. I actively went over to buy something -- not because I needed it but as a sort of a "thank you for putting out good stuff" bonus. But they didn't really have anything to buy (maybe, hopefully  -- "yet" can be tacked on there).  And then there are some very good creators who are putting out very poorly made items and that doesn't make me want to support their brand either personally or publicly. 


Taste is one thing but quality is another and I am guessing that most of the folks that BUY things regularly --and that is me now since  I   didn't want to agree to the privacy terms for bloggers at (can't mention the company) -- "lost" (my choice) most of my clothing folks for blogging. I really do actively go out looking for things I like -- something I haven't done in a decade (lazy me).  


Happily I can say that I picked up one of the very nicest clothing gifts EVER today at a soon to open event. Free for all and absolutely stellar. So there are still some very generous creators out there -- and I am clapping as I go off to wine and an  Amazon Prime movie. 

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19 minutes ago, Chic Aeon said:

There are some creators that -- back then anyway and maybe now too -- subscribed to the idea that it is "only a free item" and so didn't put anything good out for free.

Same goes for the weekly sales. Some creators put "actual items" on those sales, often quite recent ones, rigged for the most modern bodies (if it's clothing), even completely new releases sometimes, in all possible colors. And some stores... either it's the same few items that rotate between tuesday, wednesday and various weekend sales almost every single week for years (literally. I see some stuff on those sales that I remember seeing on the very same sales 2 years ago), or find some old things that are not worth even those 50-75L they ask for.

From one point they are not obligated to have any sales to begin with, but from another... why even bother if you're not going to put some effort into it? Some of those events/sales could use a better moderation/content filtering in my opinion. But even big montly events suffer from the lack of it, where certain creators  constantly break month's theme (looking at you, C88 and a certain sci-fi clothing creator), or even worse - let some FP retextures to slip by, while event is being "100% original mesh only".

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1 hour ago, steeljane42 said:

And some stores... either it's the same few items that rotate between tuesday, wednesday and various weekend sales almost every single week for years

If it is Tuesday, it must be ------ :D.  Agree. See no point. 


EDIT because I didn't finish reading your post.  Yes, agree there. When I first started doing events I would contact the event owner with info on folks that were breaking THEIR RULES.  They didn't care (this on many venues, not just one). They need to fill those slots. It is there business and money in their pocket. Only one out of many actually kicked folks out of the event and good for him.   


It is sad really as many folks do their best to follow the rules. They get no pats on the back for doing so.  

I am no longer doing monthly events :D.    

Walks away smiling. 

Edited by Chic Aeon
adding info
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5 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Okay, so slightly off topic (only a little)

If you are hitting a new-to-you store for Christmas Advent gifts, knowing that you very likely will not like or want every single gift, how many days of 'not liking the gift / trashing the gift' do you give it before you strike that location totally from your list?

About two days. I have two subfolders in my Advent LMs folder: one for must visit stores and another one for those I am considering to remove from my list. I move LMs between folders as I unpack gifts. 

I try to keep my list reasonably small, so visiting stores doesn't become a chore. 

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Really pretty dress on the ENTICE tree today.  This isn't me obviously; my outfit wasn't as notable but it did blend in well with a new fellow with very straight posture LOL. All good.      My advent blogging partner is wearing the 7DS skin of the day -- the lightest of the tones.  A bit too light for her she thinks but very pretty.   That's the news. OH there were some new additions to the party including two  three avatar based, NEVE and (have to go look) Vagrant and Appletini. And my personal favorite newcomer, Zerkalo (H and G not avatar). All are free groups or no group. 



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I finally got everything from the first 6 days unpacked.  So much work, but since I'm not really a photographer, figuring out picture shots is even more of a nightmare than unpacking boxes and organizing inventory.  **sigh**

Anyway, this is a cute little pant outfit from Virtue, called Felicia.  It is similar to others you can find all over the grid, but this one is a color I love and it was free -- GROUP required, but free to join.

Virtue Felicia (2020 Advent)


Then there is this really pretty Country Christmas dress from Meander/Me.  I've said before that I don't typically like many of the Christmassy clothes that gets put out, but this one doesn't scream 'Christmas' and just feels pretty & feminine to me.  I really love this dress.
Side note:  Meander/Me is not on any of the Advent lists that I've checked (not sure why), but she is putting out a single item each day ranging in price for 1-50L -- and this particular dress is ONLY 1L.  All of the Advent items are available for the entire month and no group join is needed.

Meander/Me Country Christmas (2020 Advent)



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18 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

So much work, but since I'm not really a photographer, figuring out picture shots is even more of a nightmare than unpacking boxes and organizing inventory.  **sigh**

Congrats on the unpacking and organizing. I am doing it daily and don't keep that much typically (maybe a bit more now I have all the MISSING colors in my not too vast inventory :D).  I think you did a stellar job with that top photo and that is a cute outfit and a good color for you.   My favorite so far is the pants and top (yesterday and today) from Salt and Pepper.  I wandered around some more (I had been over a few times previously) and found some things that actually covered some skin (yes well) so I may collect some of those gift cards and turn them into account balances (I think that is how that works) and pick ups some 'not a color in my inventory" items. 


And yes, I do have a new folder called "52 colors - possibles - odd colors and big huds" now (well the folder isn't names with that many characters but that's what it is for. 


Thanks for posting and the "new"  unlisted place. I found a few "new" ones the other night. Some folks just aren't on time LOL.  

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1 minute ago, Chic Aeon said:

My favorite so far is the pants and top (yesterday and today) from Salt and Pepper.  I wandered around some more (I had been over a few times previously) and found some things that actually covered some skin (yes well) so I may collect some of those gift cards and turn them into account balances (I think that is how that works) and pick ups some 'not in my inventory" items. 

I had a hard time using my Salt & Pepper credit from last year's Advent as there aren't really a lot of things there that I wear -- a few, but not a lot (yeah, due to that 'skin coverage' thing).

If you do pick up the Gift Cards, unpack the box and then attach the card from the folder - then click 'yes', or something like that, to have it added to the store credit balance.  The actual cards will be no good after the new year, so you definitely don't want to just let them sit in the folder.  

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48 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

I had a hard time using my Salt & Pepper credit from last year's Advent as there aren't really a lot of things there that I wear -- a few, but not a lot (yeah, due to that 'skin coverage' thing).

If you do pick up the Gift Cards, unpack the box and then attach the card from the folder - then click 'yes', or something like that, to have it added to the store credit balance.  The actual cards will be no good after the new year, so you definitely don't want to just let them sit in the folder.  

And sometimes the  store credit disappears also, so good to read all the fine print.   I know a secret that I cannot disclose yet LOL but you will figure it out in about a week *wink*. But yes, I hardly ever use my gift cards even when they can buy something. But I may make a concerted effort this time :D.     

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Since this thread is moving a bit slowly, I'm going to deviate just a tad and add info about a non-clothing advent. 

A few years ago during Advent, I discovered Divia's Home & Garden (on the FabFree & SL Hunts Advent lists).  She does an advent item each year that I think is really cool, though others may be more "meh" about it.  At the beginning you get a furniture item - some sort of cabinet or table -- and then each day you get a new item to drop into the Contents of that cabinet/table.  You can then click on the cabinet/table and select individual days that will rez the item you got that day.  At the end of the Advent, you have a cute scene of some sort rezzed on the cabinet/table.  You do have to be a member of the group, but the group is free to join, and all days of items are available throughout the entire Advent time.  For this year, the table for rezzing items is not part of the Advent, but in a sign next to the Advent Tree -- click it to get the table.

This first picture is the completed scene from last year's Advent -- just to give you an idea of the complexity.  The scene was completed bit by bit across the 24 days.


This year it appears that we are doing a dollhouse.  The first pic is the outside, as it sits now (the outside may not be complete yet), and then a couple of pictures of the kitchen as it sits currently (as of last night).


I posted this just because I think it is a cute thing to do for Advent and others might enjoy it also. 


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22 hours ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Since this thread is moving a bit slowly, I'm going to deviate just a tad and add info about a non-clothing advent. 

A few years ago during Advent, I discovered Divia's Home & Garden (on the FabFree & SL Hunts Advent lists).  She does an advent item each year that I think is really cool, though others may be more "meh" about it.  At the beginning you get a furniture item - some sort of cabinet or table -- and then each day you get a new item to drop into the Contents of that cabinet/table.  You can then click on the cabinet/table and select individual days that will rez the item you got that day.  At the end of the Advent, you have a cute scene of some sort rezzed on the cabinet/table.  You do have to be a member of the group, but the group is free to join, and all days of items are available throughout the entire Advent time.  For this year, the table for rezzing items is not part of the Advent, but in a sign next to the Advent Tree -- click it to get the table.

This first picture is the completed scene from last year's Advent -- just to give you an idea of the complexity.  The scene was completed bit by bit across the 24 days.


This year it appears that we are doing a dollhouse.  The first pic is the outside, as it sits now (the outside may not be complete yet), and then a couple of pictures of the kitchen as it sits currently (as of last night).


I posted this just because I think it is a cute thing to do for Advent and others might enjoy it also. 


I found her shop last week when I visited on the Austrian Christmas sim (they had her Christmas village set up and I just had to find out who made it). but I have been looking for a Christmas village for YEARS on the mp and until I saw hers.. how big it is and the price is great, I got it immediately!! I love dollhouses, thanks for the heads up!

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1 hour ago, ClariceRose said:

I found her shop last week when I visited on the Austrian Christmas sim (they had her Christmas village set up and I just had to find out who made it). but I have been looking for a Christmas village for YEARS on the mp and until I saw hers.. how big it is and the price is great, I got it immediately!! I love dollhouses, thanks for the heads up!

When you land from the Advent SLURL, go west for roughly a regions's length (okay, maybe only half a region) to find the actual advent tree.

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I have been very grumpy in this thread, but to show some better manners, I remind you that there are 12 days of Christmas calendars too. Starting tomorrow. 

I have "hope" that the fewer gifts, the more time and thought creators have used on them.

Not clothes, but Artisan Fantasy has given out interior decor that I have totally loved previous years. And they are one of the stores that use 12 days instead of 24.

Edit: Altamura MALE & FEMALE gift of accessories, clothes, skins, makeup, mesh head, are a 12 days calendar that I think is worth using a group slot for. Free group. I do not know if it is anything other than Altamura that work for, but @Chic Aeonmaybe knows.

Edit 2: I got the information about Altamura here: https://www.teleporthub.com/advent-calendar/

where it says 0 join fee. In Altamura store, the group fee comes up as 100 L. It may be a typo in the Teleporthub list. Or it will be free to join from tomorrow. Time will show.

Edited by Marianne Little
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@Marianne Little  In past years at altamura the gifts have often been altamura specific but now since we have BOM that might be a bit difference. I read somewhere (one of the listings I am guessing) that there would be a HEAD somewhere in the mix. My best guess is that it will be a female head since I am pretty sure the last big gift for the group was a very nice BOM male body with head and they don't typically give out two heads or bodies etc right at the same time -- even at the holidays. 


In the past the group fee wasn't taken down to zero during the 12 days so could be a typo on the joining -- I found a lot of misinformation in the lists when I was going through them. BUT and a big one, in all the other years you could pick up past gifts (they are manually set out) so likely not a hurry.  There is no news in the group notices yet and of course past methods are not a gurantee of this year. 



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