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Rigged or Unrigged HAIR...which do you prefer


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As the title goes...rigged or unrigged hair...which do you prefer?

Also, what are the pluses of rigged hair as opposed to unrigged hair for the user and for the creator?

Me - I like unrigged hair.  I am not digging this rigged hair.  I don't want to have to change my head shape to accommodate a hair.  

Plus, if your unrigged hair is copy and modify you can add your own personal x/y/z resizer script too~!  Which I do a lot.

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It depends on the creator. 

Rigged means that it should accommodate the resizing of the head, within reason.  However, some creators don't seem to be too good at the "rigging" part and thus the hair doesn't properly resize for the head.

By the same token, if a creator is going to give me unrigged hair, then I most definitely want it to be modifiable -- which some are not. If it is unrigged, I want to be able to resize it  -- and not just with a resize script.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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Depends on the hair style. If it's long enough to come anywhere below the nape of the neck, I prefer it rigged. Otherwise, every time your head goes down, the back of your hair comes up, and it looks like you're wearing a plastic helmet instead of hair. But very short styles like this one below, I prefer unrigged because they're easier to fit and adjust.


What? Yes, I do still do "boy mode" sometimes...

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   As has been mentioned, it depends on the style. Longer hairs that reach to the nape or further that isn't rigged will very quickly look 'off' when the avatar moves. Unrigged allows for higher precision when positioning and scaling the hair.

   The issue is that not all heads are created the same. Heads' differences when it comes to rigging means that some styles rigged to fit one head size, will not fit other heads. Some brands have begun creating more and more sizes, and some brands which's hairs I've wanted for a long time has finally began rigging for a 4th size that actually works with my head.

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Depends on a hairstyle AND a type of avatar I am using. One of my alts uses an anime avatar with one of those Utilizator heads. And for her I only buy unrigged modifable hair, because nothing else fits! 

On my main I prefer rigged hair, because it clips less and moves more naturally with my body. But then again - demo demo demo. As with anything rigged - have to make sure it is made to fit mesh parts I am using. 

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Yeah, the style decides it for me. I have the same dislike as Maitimo, head tilting forward flipping the hair up in back.

But often rigged hair is not really rigged. I haven't looked at how bones in the head work with sliders. But I think if the head is made bigger the hair should change accordingly.

What I am really annoyed by is rigged hair that comes in various breast sizes... REALLY!?! If I change breast size or watch my Avatar Physics the hair doesn't behave as I think rigged hair should. My skin tight tops do but my hair doesn't. If I turn my head the hair over my shoulders and breasts does stay in place as it pretty much should. So why does it not change with the breast size sliders? IT IS RIGGED TO THE WRONG BONES!!!

So apparently rigged hair is often MIS-RIGGED hair...


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Usually rigged on female heads but on some heads, like the Genus one I have, rigged hair does not seem to fit properly around the ears and I can' t seem to make it work using shape edit either. So in that case definitely unrigged. Most hair for male heads are unrigged that I've found, so in those cases almost always unrigged.

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I pretty rarely wear anything much longer than shoulder length, so in general unrigged is better for me, particularly as the Genus head sometimes is a hard fit for rigged hair.

I've wondered though . . . if you had shoulder length hair, and you rigged it to the shoulders, would it hang more naturally when you tilt your head?

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15 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

I've wondered though . . . if you had shoulder length hair, and you rigged it to the shoulders, would it hang more naturally when you tilt your head?

   If it's rigged well, yeah. If it's rigged poorly, it might look worse! 

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Depends. Theoretically I prefer rigged if it's actually rigged well and works on my head. A lot of the ones I've found don't work even on big name human heads like lelutka. Instead they float a little above it. At that point I'd prefer flexi for long hairstyles.

In practice, I tend to mostly use unrigged, since that'll always fit, one way or another.

I'm just wondering where all the animesh hair is... That'd combine a lot of the positives of both approaches.

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I prefer rigged for both, long and short hairstyles. Although it doesn't matter as much for the shorter ones since they can't clip into shoulders anyway. But I wear shorter styles maybe 5% of the time, if not less, so rigged it is. If some shorter unrigged hairstyles I actually like (Dura or Tram would be good examples) were mod, I'd probably use them slightly more, though. But that XYZ resizer that most of them use is not a good substitution to manual resize, because at times I'd like to make just one linked part smaller, which is a few seconds to do manually, but impossible through that resizer script.

Edited by steeljane42
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I reply what others said, unrigged for short or short to shoulder length.

But does any stores sell flexi hair anymore? I need a shoulderlong hair with curl or waves that actually fall back when I bend over backwards.

It is a few static hairs that is made to look as it hang down to the ground when the avatar bends, but I forgot where I could buy it.

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7 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I reply what others said, unrigged for short or short to shoulder length.

But does any stores sell flexi hair anymore? I need a shoulderlong hair with curl or waves that actually fall back when I bend over backwards.

It is a few static hairs that is made to look as it hang down to the ground when the avatar bends, but I forgot where I could buy it.

There are some stores that have added some flexi parts to their mesh hair, but nothing is coming to mind right now and I can't log inworld yet.  I have some of the hairs that look to be hanging down when you bend over or hang upside down, though they are the regular static mesh hairs.  If nobody has provided the creator by the time I can log in, I'll provide a list of what I have.

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9 hours ago, Marianne Little said:

I reply what others said, unrigged for short or short to shoulder length.

But does any stores sell flexi hair anymore? I need a shoulderlong hair with curl or waves that actually fall back when I bend over backwards.

It is a few static hairs that is made to look as it hang down to the ground when the avatar bends, but I forgot where I could buy it.

Before LittleMeJewel gets back to you, you could try Emo-Tions for flexi-hairs.  Analog Dog has some spiral flexi curls, too.  I have three of Analog Dog Hairs and they do move quite nicely for photographs; however, backwards I cannot remember.  You will have to try the demos.



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17 hours ago, steeljane42 said:

Tram would be good examples) were mod, I'd probably use them slightly more, though. But that XYZ resizer that most of them use is not a good substitution to manual resize, because at times I'd

I love Tram and do put my own x/y/z resizer in them as sometimes the Tram hairs only have an enlarge or decrease script.  So, I rez my Tram hair to the ground and put in my own x/y/z/ script.  Once on the ground, I can also edit the hair piece by piece.  If it's an unrigged Tram hair in your inventory or that you would like to buy it just may be modifiable piece by piece because mine are.  Send a nc to the seller if you are unsure if it is full modify but I use many Tram hairs and they all are fully modify - piece by piece.  In this photo below, I put some strands on transparent and made them invisible - you cannot buy a Tram hair like the one below because I personally modified it.   This is the Tram hair available in the unrigged section with the hairs that go across the face and nose but I made those strands invisible as you can see.  BUT, speaking of fitting, still fitting things but took a rest - it's moving day for me.


Edited by FairreLilette
cancel Dela hair for now...I know you can tint Dela hair, however, the rest not sure
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both? It depends on what head I am using.. Furry heads vary alot in shape and some rigged hair will fit one but not another.. so having unrigged is very nice to have to go along with the rigged.. I find alot of the hair I buy can be resized, or it comes with an unrigged version.

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21 hours ago, Cinos Field said:

I'm just wondering where all the animesh hair is... That'd combine a lot of the positives of both approaches.

I think there are lots of possibilities with animesh hair. But the render and script loads will be WAY heavy. So they will have to be a very impressive "do" for me to consider wearing them.

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I generally prefer rigged hair i've never had to make my head size bigger or smaller to accommodate a rigged style. unrigged does have it's uses for certain types of clothing or head gear. i did happen to get some hair that was unrigged during the Black Friday sale i had to faff about making it bigger and repositioning to try and get it looking ok but it still didn't look as good as the rigged version

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24 minutes ago, Claireschen Hesten said:

i've never had to make my head size bigger or smaller to accommodate a rigged style

I have but I make unusual shapes of head for my fairy shapes.  I try all kinds of unusual shapes but sometimes you cannot have your brow too big plus other sliders under head or it won't work, and you have to move the sliders down for it to fit or get an unrigged hair.  But, yes, even your brow too much, the hair won't fit, or the squash head or forehead heavy, etc, is a no go either.  I make all kinds of unusual shapes but they do not work with many of the rigged hairs.  

Edited by FairreLilette
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