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How to make BOM makeup,tattoo and skins


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BoM & applier are 2 different things. BoM is just a system layer that you wear. An Applier is a scripted hud that applies a texture to a mesh body layer.

Nearly all mesh bodies are made to use the Standard SL UV maps and you can download those from the SL wiki at http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Clothing_Tutorials once you got the UV maps, load them up in the texture programme of choice and away you go. With system layers you can use the local texture option to test your texture looks ok before you upload.


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This link may help you on your way. It shows how to make a shirt, but the same procedure is the same for tattoos, makeup, skins, etc. You just change the shirt to a tattoo, or a skin, or whatever.

This is a good one too:

And if you want to find your own tutorials, here's a good collection of them. 

Edited by Fritigern Gothly
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