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Lindens are gone


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It sounds stupid of course... But somehow a long time ago (more precisely, almost 6 months ago) in one of the stores a stranger gave me one thing, something like a discount or a gift card, but that time I just shifted this thing to another folder and forgot about it.
This time, when I was taking apart my inventory, unpacking other things, I added this item and accidentally clicked on confirmation, and after a couple of seconds I lost all the money on my account.
Please, tell me who I can contact to solve this problem more quickly, in addition to a support ticket on https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/home 
The entire history of transactions remained on my account, so it is clear that the money went to him, the creator of this thing.
And the second question: is it possible to return it back? I hope that enough time has passed since the moment others found out about this and he was banned, because I was not alone in that store, and his account looks abandoned. So there is hope that this money will not be spent or withdrawn.

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2 answers to this question

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This is called a debit permission scam.  First, detach the object!  As long as it remains in world it can continue to suck money out of your account.

Second, call the Fraud Hotline at 800-860-6990.  Report the incident.

Third, right click the object in your inventory and check its Properties.  You're looking for the "Previous Owner".  Or, if you know the person who gave you this, you can skip this step.

Then go to Help/Report Abuse in your viewer.  Fill out an Abuse Report.  Use the object's previous owner (or the person who gave it to you) as the person you're reporting*.  Use L$ Fraud as the type of abuse you're reporting.  Go to your $L Transaction History on this website and copy the data of the transaction where your money was taken.  Paste this information into the report.

You may or may not get your money back.  The sooner you do the above, the better your chances.

Once you've done all that, delete the scamming item from your inventory (or you can keep it as a reminder of Stuff Not To Do.  It's safe as long as it is only in your inventory.)

*If the person does not show up in the "choose resident" part of the Abuse Report, use "Governor Linden" as the person you are reporting, and explain in the body of the report.


Edited by Lindal Kidd
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