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Slim athletic looking avatar


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Assuming you want to go mesh, and you're male; either Slink Physique, Legacy* or Maitreya + one of the flat chest options (Maitreya's own or V-tech. V-tech is currently better IMO), along with a moderately-toned skin.

Lots of body options for female, Maitreya being the top one but also consider Slink Physique, Belleza Isis, Legacy*. Combine with a skin that has more muscle tone. I've made my own but one brand I know that offers the option is Pink Fuel. I think 7 Deady Skins also does.

* While Legacy will get you the body shape you're after, I can't recommend buying it due to several reasons, including but not limited to very high complexity (laggy!), high price and terrible business practises. However they do have freebies for male and female bodies that might be worth checking out if you're interested.

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   Well, the OP still hasn't said which gender body they want ... Meh, still:

   For women: I'd strongly suggest Maitreya for your first body, as it is very versatile (can be thin and athletic or more curvy), it's also by far the most supported body out there, so finding clothes isn't difficult at all. Belleza's bodies are curvier, and whilst I quite like Slink Physique, it doesn't have nearly enough creator support for me (even the HG which is the more popular of Slink's doesn't receive support from a large amount of creators). Legacy (TMP) is a dumpster fire I wouldn't suggest to my worst enemies.

   For men: I personally prefer Signature Geralt, however it's not supported very well and finding clothes for it is iffy. Gianni is a little bulkier, but has about as much support as Jake does. Jake is from Belleza and appears to be a decent body overall, though I have no experience of it personally. Legacy (TMP) is, again, absolute garbage that should never be suggested to anyone unless you're so mad at them you're considering drowning their children whilst streaming it live for the world to see, in which case suggesting TMP is still only marginally less cruel.

   Demo the bodies, play around with shapes and skins, if a slider doesn't go far enough you can try out some deformers to see if you can get the shape you want.

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7 minutes ago, Orwar said:

   Well, the OP still hasn't said which gender body they want ... Meh, still:

For men: I personally prefer Signature Geralt, however it's not supported very well and finding clothes for it is iffy. Gianni is a little bulkier, but has about as much support as Jake does. Jake is from Belleza and appears to be a decent body overall, though I have no experience of it personally.

I wish there were more --lots, actually-- support for the Signature Geralt body, since it's better than Gianni for a slim male look (though at the same time, I don't know if I'm the only one having some... let's say, difficulty appreciating Geralt's buttocks --kind of too big for the body's muscles when you trim it down). Yet I have some reservations recommending Belleza's Jake. It's actually a very nice body, but if you go for a Lelutka Evolution head, you'll find out there is a peculiar belt-like fleshy gap where the head attaches to the neck. Or at least that was my experience recently (maybe it's me that don't know how to sort that out). I have heard Catwa heads fit better, but I haven't tried one of those yet.

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Just now, Ruya Sveiss said:

(though at the same time, I don't know if I'm the only one having some... let's say, difficulty appreciating Geralt's buttocks --kind of too big for the body's muscles when you trim it down)

   Yes, that's something I've been none too fond of as well. Luckily there are deformers to help reduce that! 

   Unfortunately it feels as if Geralt has been receiving less and less support over time. Some creators did rig for it for a bit when it was newer, but has since dropped it. 

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For my male avatar I went with Slink Physique as it was overall less muscle-bulky looking that any other I could find straight out of the box, without using any sliders to slim myself down. I tend to be picky though, and wandered all over looking for a head that didn't look like some macho, angry, steroid-popping hulk-man ... again, as in default settings. Not every guy needs to look like a completely chiseled male model selling some cologne on the side of a yacht as the damn default settings. I seem to recall that the Signature store for Gianni and Geralt also has in the lobby area a skin (?) that will take the bulk off your body, but don't remember the name. It's on a prominent billboard though, can't miss it.

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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For my male version of yours truly I went with Belleza Jake. Partially because I already had good experiences with their female bodies but also because of all the demos I played with, I felt that I could make this look the most of what I wanted. I made my guy slender, almost thin but the skin that I chose actually added a some muscle shading.
Would I call him athletic? Depends on which discipline you are thinking of 🙂 I can think of a few olympic swimmers built like my guy, but my guy would have a hard time doing a shot put 😄 

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