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Limited Stores Avaliable @ Amour


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Are you a new Creator or an experienced creator looking to reach a new audience, we have a slim selection of  store rentals available at Amour set up in a small town theme where land scape changes seasonally and it is set up for avatars of all ages.  We have multiple events that run yearly and there is advertisements set up around the sim for stores. Renters are included as main sponsors in all events, Traffic is shared with the whole sim which also includes a Club that has events going on weekly.  Store rentals are 100L/ 100 prim per week more prim can be made available if needed.  For new Creators we have mentors on hand to help you if you have any questions and get your store up and running smoothly.


Please feel free to come check it out and if you have any questions please feel free to message either


Missminnie04 Resident or Zyconic Resident

*hugs* and hope you have a great day

Edited by MissMinnie04
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