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I see gaps ... avatar help needed!

Katherine Heartsong

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Helping my partner get all done up in a new avatar and I see gaps (neck and ears missing), yet they see everything fine. LATER EDIT ... They logged out and back and now also see this gap!!! How do I do a sort of "refresh textures" on her so that I see things that are actually there? When we click the show ears on/off in the LOGO HUD they show for a second then disappear. We're at out wits end as newbies.





Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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Sometimes when we play with the HUD we can click on things by a mistake. We can either go through the HUD again and try to turn it on again, or unpack a new head and HUD. I assume the head and neck was fine at the start. If she does not have a container to unpack (she can have deleted it), she can go to the store and have a redelivery.

6 hours ago, Katherine Heartsong said:

Going to have my GF check her Belleza HUD for neck things ... then unpack the Gessami BOM skin again to see if it is corrupted.

Weird thing is? The demo worked just fine.


Edited by Marianne Little
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TY Janet and Marianne. We have tried the Ears ON/OFF setting on the LOGO HUD (I also have a LOGO head, btw, so at least she and I are working on the same HUD). The ears appear for a brief moment then disappear. There is no neck fix/alpha on the LOGO HUD, so that's not it. I think we'll trying unpacking the head and HUD again and replace the existing one. I'll let you know when we can get to that. Thanks for the advice!

Edited by Katherine Heartsong
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