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Returning something to someone that is a Gacha? Is that possible?


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The gatchas are generally all on no/cop and transfer. So that means in theory they should get it like any other item sent to them.

But there is always a risk in transferring anything to anybody in SL when they are not online. It isn't that it gets automatically deleted (like a deeded object that is not on transfer).

It's merely that it can get lost. Many things get lost in transit in SL. When it returns to Lost & Found, sometimes it can be "coalesced," i.e. in a bunch of stuff with the label of only one of the things in the bunch. So they have to take out the bunched items from L&F and see if it is in there. Everyone always tells you to clear cache like that's a magic bullet. It isn't. But try it so that when you file a ticket you can say you did it.

They can "Try This One Weird Trick" I use for capped messages and lost inventory not reaching me -- when you first log on, right click on any object and block it, and the items come rushing in. Then unblock that object.

But if it's gone, it's gone. Sometimes when you file a ticket, the Lindens can find it. You have to move fast as they clear their sims on a cycle, I don't believe it's 24 hours but they delete the trash or whatever, so you have to file a ticket ASAP. The owner of the ticket has to file; the landlord cannot file on their behalf.

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2 hours ago, ClariceRose said:

Hi, does anyone know if I return a gacha that was rezzed out, to someone if they will get it? They have not been online and the skybox is not being renewed. Or does it get deleted even though I am trying to return it?

first check if the item is deeded, that might give problems with returning. I would give the owner a short time to get it back, but when no response wouldn't have any problem to return it.

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