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Linden Realms: Missão Sands of Time


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12 hours ago, NaluKruger said:

I also have this problem, complete the first mission but on the second mission for several days I try to open the chest and I can't, I don't know what to do so I gave up on the game


https://jira.secondlife.com/browse/BUG-229683?jql=text ~ "Linden realms" ORDER BY cf[10041] DESC

There have been several bug reports filed on this.

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as I understand it filed without solution ... they could at least clear the first mission from the HUD and so the person would start the missions again and remain happy in the game, but I think that this is not treated individually. Thank you for your answer and attention Rowan

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When one of the quests is broken, about all you can do is TP back to the Linden Portals, and re enter the Realms again.  Hopefully you will be sent to an LR estate where the quest is working.  It's rare that all the quests work on one LR estate, something is always broken.  There are now four LR estates left, LR 47, LR 163, LR 147, and LR 187 in the AWS cloud.  Moving to the cloud has done nothing to improve the uptime or reliability of the quests.  HUDS still get detached when crossing borders or getting "killed" by the green mist, etc - randomly of course.  The LR HUD can take minutes to first attach after entering the village from the portal. The race conditions and lag related bugs that were in the LR software and network are still there!  


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have had this problem too. Tree of Hearts in Forest (first part of quest) is buggy. It is so difficult to find green crystals that I cannot afford to leave, come back, and *hope* that tree will operate normally. I've found that tree will work, but we must wait several minutes. So I sit by tree and wait, wait, wait until tree is working again. Sometimes this requires just two or three minutes; other times it may require half hour!

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