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Backup a large inventory folder


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I'm quite new to SL, I hope you excuse my noobish question :)

I sorted my inventory stuff under 'objects' and wanted to make a copy of this folder as an backup. I noticed that the duplicated folder contains significantly less objects. None of the missing objects are 'no copy'. I assume those objects are simply not pasted due to the large number of files.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a workaround? Thanks in advance!

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27 minutes ago, Nymphaea85 said:

I'm quite new to SL, I hope you excuse my noobish question :)

I sorted my inventory stuff under 'objects' and wanted to make a copy of this folder as an backup. I noticed that the duplicated folder contains significantly less objects. None of the missing objects are 'no copy'. I assume those objects are simply not pasted due to the large number of files.

Am I doing something wrong or is there a workaround? Thanks in advance!

Making a complete copy of a folder in your inventory is usually a very bad way of creating a backup.  That just increases your inventory size without really giving you the security that you are wanting.

Most people that create backups of things, put copies into one or more boxes and then locate those boxes in a different folder in their inventory.

Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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I was jus about to chime in & say the same as @LittleMe Jewell.  You are better off creating a box & then dropping copies into said box.   Then you can create a folder called "BackUps" (or whatever you want obvs) and put said box into that folder.    FWIW I break my objects down into categories & put them in appropriately named folders, otherwise you end up with one folder & hundreds, if not thousands, of objects - impossible to manage.


Edited by Horus Salubrius
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1 hour ago, connormacbride said:

Linden Lab need to make some kinda back-up service, some of my oldest avatars have over 200k items in their inventory, LL should make it like a cloud service, maybe as a part or premium membership or as a flat monthly cost addon.  

Best place to make new feature requests is here:  https://jira.secondlife.com


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3 hours ago, Nymphaea85 said:

Thank you so much! This sounds like a great solution. I wouldn't have thought of that.

I've used an inventory sorting/storage system before.  I haven't kept up with it recently but it's great to have.

This is the one I've used.


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5 hours ago, Horus Salubrius said:

You are better off creating a box & then dropping copies into said box.   

This is what I do with everything!  I can't throw anything out.  Comes in handy when you break something and want to replace it and it's not available for redelivery.

Example - yesterday I spent about 30 mins going through my boxed crap from 2016 looking for a specific item.  Finally found it and happy again!

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9 minutes ago, Nova Convair said:

Sooner or later you will find out that it is not that easy to copy a large number of items into a box.

Yep. It's not as bad, but it can take a pretty long time to copy everything out of that box back into an Inventory folder, too.

One stupid thing I used to do was to copy a whole bunch of object contents into an inventory folder, then back out to the inventory of another in-world object. (This was most often when I was moving animations from one piece of furniture to another.) I did this for years, cursing the slowness and unreliability -- until I realized it's a trivial script to just copy from object to object, keeping the clutter from ever passing through my own Inventory.

Every scripter uses it all the time, but somehow I'd never thought of putting llGiveInventory() in a simple utility to make this task so much faster and easier,

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