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Best Animation Software


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On 11/25/2020 at 3:57 PM, Kraftter said:

Hello everybody, i was used to work in Qavimator in my computer, now I am using macOS and it won't allow me to run Qavimotor, there is any suggestion about Animation creation software to macOS?

If the assumption is cost = 0, I'm afraid you're really short of options. The list I can come up with right now is

Blender, can export bvh for free, but it needs a correct skeleton setup and that's not really easy to accomplish for a beginner. Cost = 0; optionally you can get Avastar that includes all the a I've plus anim format export, but it has a cost of approx 20 bucks

DazStudio, I don't know if it comes with a bvh export option but again, as blender, it requires a skeleton setup which may or may not be available, in such case its cost = 0; otherwise it now supports anim format from @Sabrina Tamerlane and that has a cost (which I don't know)

Poser, not free but can definitely export bvh for SL without extra purchases, or again anim format from Sabrina at a cost which I don't know. 

3dsMax, can export bvh natively but you need a SL compliant skeleton. Definitely not free, quite pricey truth be told, and anim format available from @polysail plug in Marionette, which also provides all you need for both rigging and animation out of the box.

Maya, same as 3dsMax,with both Mayastar for rigging and basic human animation and (my very own) MyAniMATE for advanced animation capabilities. 

Since August 2020 Autodesk offers a new license solution for both Maya and 3dsMax called Indie License at a yearly price of around 360 euro vat included, so it's no longer that pricey as it used to be. 

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