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Reset script to clear the list


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Hello! This is a DJ song request tool and I am trying to add a script reset option to update the song request list for this script. I am trying to add a line like this but I get an error every time. it is not clear where to insert it. Thanks in advance! :)

listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )

if (message == "reset") llResetScript();

   integer DEDICATION_CHANNEL = 98;
   list requests = [];
       touch_start(integer total_number)
           if(llDetectedKey(0) != llGetOwner())
               jump user;
           if(llGetListLength(requests) == 0) {
               llOwnerSay("No dedications are currently lined up.");
           llOwnerSay("---------------— BEGIN REQUESTS —----------------");
           integer itra;
           for(itra=0; itra<llGetListLength(requests); itra+=3) {
               llOwnerSay(llList2String(requests, itra) + " requested the song: " + llList2String(requests, itra+1));
               llOwnerSay("With the dedication: " + llList2String(requests, itra+2));
           llOwnerSay("----------------— END REQUESTS —-----------------");
           integer comHandle = llListen(DEDICATION_CHANNEL, "", llDetectedKey(0), "");
           llInstantMessage(llDetectedKey(0), "To request the song \"That's Life - Frank Sinatra\" with the dedication \"For my friend Lydia, I love you!\", you would type into the main chat:\n\n/" + (string)DEDICATION_CHANNEL + " That's life - Frank Sinatra%For my friend Lydia, I love you!\n\nThe forward-slash and the number after the slash are important.");
       listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )
           if(channel != DEDICATION_CHANNEL) return;
           requests +=  (list)name + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 0, 0) + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 1, 1);
           llInstantMessage(id, "Thank you! Your dedication has been stored and will be played at the DJ's convenience.");


Edited by Tattooshop
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51 minutes ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

Why would you reset the script to clear the list?
If you want to clear the requests list, just use 
 requests = [];
That will clear that list without having to reset the whole script.

Thank you so much! but where to add it?

If (message == "reset") requests = [];

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33 minutes ago, Tattooshop said:

Thank you so much! but where to add it?

If (message == "reset") requests = [];

it goes in the listen event. A quick hax is something like:

listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )
   if(channel != DEDICATION_CHANNEL) return;

   if (id == llGetOwner()) // ensure only the owner can reset the request list
   {                       // with open chat message: /98reset
      if (llToLower(message) == "reset")     
         requests = [];
   requests +=  (list)name + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 0, 0) + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 1, 1);
   llInstantMessage(id, "Thank you! Your dedication has been stored and will be played at the DJ's convenience.");


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36 minutes ago, Mollymews said:

it goes in the listen event. A quick hax is something like:

listen( integer channel, string name, key id, string message )
   if(channel != DEDICATION_CHANNEL) return;

   if (id == llGetOwner()) // ensure only the owner can reset the request list
   {                       // with open chat message: /98reset
      if (llToLower(message) == "reset")     
         requests = [];
   requests +=  (list)name + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 0, 0) + llList2List(llParseString2List(message, ["%"], [""]), 1, 1);
   llInstantMessage(id, "Thank you! Your dedication has been stored and will be played at the DJ's convenience.");


Thank you so much! :)👍


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