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How to get global position and rotation from local vector and rotation (according the root prim)?

Creative Starfall

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I have an object with a root prim, and a child prim! Both prims have 1 script inside!

I have a vector that is the local position according to the root prim!
I also have a vector that is the local rotation according to the root ptim!

Now, I need to get the exactly same point (vector position/rotation), but this time according to the child prim!

In the child prim script I have the following code:



// Get message from the root prim script
vector T_Pos = (vector)C2; // Target Position (local vector according the root prim)
rotation T_Rot = (rotation)C3; // Target Rotation (local rotation according the root prim)

list RootDetails = llGetLinkPrimitiveParams(LINK_ROOT, [PRIM_POSITION, PRIM_ROTATION]);
vector RootAbsPos   = llList2Vector(RootDetails, 0); // Get the root prim absolute coordinates
rotation RootAbsRot = llList2Rot(RootDetails, 1); // Get the root prim absolute rotation



#1) Now, using these values, how to find the global position and rotation of the Target?

#2) How to get the exactly same point, but now the local position and rotation according the child prim?


Thank you for the help!

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