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Adjacent parcels and prim usage


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2 hours ago, malienna said:

Does prim count remain tied to each individual parcel when a group owns two adjacent parcels? (i.e., if each parcel allows 351 prims, can I place 400 prims on one parcel and the remaining on the other or does it need to be 351 on each?)

yes to the 400 question

the LI count is region wide and when we have multiple parcels on the same region we can use it all on 1 parcel if we want, or distribute it across our parcels as we like regardless of nominal parcel limits

Edited by Mollymews
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This is actually a topic I am concerned about at the moment.  I purchased some mainland ,1/4 sim, and I have three stores and three townhouses I want to rent out.  I don't know how to divide it up so that each store in each house has a certain number of prims to use.  In fact that's going to really hold me back until I learn how to do it as I'm trying to move along to put it up for rent shortly like in the next two weeks.  If anyone can describe the process in great detail as I am a bit of a technical idiot I would be so grateful.  As they are row townhouses they are pretty close together as are the stores  but they're not quite touching. There's a little bit of space between them... If indeed that makes a difference.  Thank you for your patience and reading this and hope to hear from someone.  

Edited by JemimaFlame
Typos and lack of clarity
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4 minutes ago, JemimaFlame said:

So is it not okay to make a comment or ask a question on an old thread?  I'm absolutely new to this forum as of this moment...Ty for your answer by the way.  🌞

It’s purely just a warning that it’s old and a means to try and keep things fresh. Some people just go through old threads and make a comment to something that really ought to be left dead. You just get a notice saying something like..

“You are about to reply to a thread that has been inactive for 1404 days.


Please take a moment to consider if this thread is worth bumping.”

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46 minutes ago, JemimaFlame said:

... I have three stores and three townhouses I want to rent out.  I don't know how to divide it up so that each store in each house has a certain number of prims to use. ...

So the nicest way to do this is to divide up the parcel so each rental gets its own parcel and then set up separate groups, one per parcel, and deed each parcel to a different group to which you'll invite the corresponding tenant. You may want to do this one group at a time, though, saving the up-front cost of group creation in case a parcel doesn't rent or the tenant wants a house and a store in the same group, or they want to pay you to create a group with a special name, or even create the group for you, make you Owner, and then relinquish group ownership themselves (so they can't sell the land once you've deeded it to that group).

Of course you and a trusted alt (or just a couple trusted alts) will need to remain the only Owners of the groups, but you can delegate many land-related permissions to the main tenant role.

The main advantage of this is that the system itself enforces the Land Impact limits for each rental. The disadvantages are the complexity of having all these groups, the constraint that Land Impact must correspond to size of rental parcel (no way to give one tenant a "low LI discount", and bonus prims to another tenant, except by changing parcel boundaries), and those boundaries are constrained to the parcel grid of 4x4m units (which also means LI is allocated in units of roughly 5, give or take rounding error).

The alternative (particularly needed for vertically "stacked" rentals that share the same parcel footprint) is to just keep track of how many prims a tenant uses on a parcel shared by all tenants. There are a bunch of scripted gadgets that do this, I'm sure, using llGetParcelOwners() to calculate who's spending how much LI. There are also functions (llReturnObjectsByOwner and -ByID) that might help partially automate enforcement of limits, but it's still going to require more hands-on attention than the system-enforced group parcel limit approach, and fewer group permissions can be granted tenants because they'll all share the same group. Nonetheless, the big Mainland landlords almost always use this approach because it's flexible and scales to hundreds of tenants without needing hundreds of groups.

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