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diverse protected water rentals - ADULD - Egon's Estate

Egon Takeda

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Beautiful Protected Water - ADULT Rated Mainland Rentals


I just have prepared some beautiful Zindra Mainland Rentals on a protected River with Wateraccess 

Great for people who like to sail over 14 connected regions -

and very well decorated houses by a nice Friend.

please have a look at Region Jibben

Loch Jibben: 


how is this:

774 prims in all on 2256 sqm are waiting for you

- nice bright home tasteful decorated and furnished

- security orb inclusive

- Almost full owner rights.

- ADULT rated and LGBT friendly landlord.

only 760/week

The LakeView: 


how is this:

856 prims on 2496sqm - The Lakeview - on a River Lake

- nice bright home tasteful decorated and furnished

- security orb inclusive

- Almost full owner rights.

- ADULT rated and LGBT friendly landlord.

only 790/week

some pictures 

please check out my Inworld Store with all current offers on Mainland or on private Regions

http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/All Saints Bay/109/41/23



760w - 774prims - 2256sqm Loch Jibben_001_SMALL.jpg

790w - 20469sqm - 856prims LakeView_001_SMALL.jpg

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