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Tier Fee Question


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So many thoughts here. You can see the tier fees by going to your dashboard>Land Use Fees to see the tier levels and even use the calculator there to see how it will affect you. There is also a discount allowed on land that is set to group. Others can explain that process and it might allow you to keep the 540 with no extra tier. You might could purchase it then cut and abandon the 28 sqm, but you might still get charged one month for that slight increase of the full 540. Or maybe ask the seller to only sell just 512 of the parcel to you. 


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Thank you for your reply. It was helpful. I found the page you described in my dashboard, and tested various scenarios.

It appears the minimum additional tier I can pay for is for 512 sqm or $4/month. So if I acquire 28 sqm beyond my premium membership allowance, I have to pay for an addtional 512 sqm in tier fee. This would leave me with an unused 512 sqm that comes with my premium account, plus an additional unused 484 sqm from that minimum increment.

According to this:

A group can hold up to 110% of the sqm contributed to it. So now I consider creating a group that would own the parcel, and then contribute the 512 sqm remaining from my premium membership to it. Then the group would have 563 sqm available, which is more than enough.

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