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2 Viewers with different visualizations!?

Creative Starfall

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I'm getting a very annoying problem!

I'm using 2 Firestorm viewers: 1 male avatar + 1 female avatar

I've the 2 Viewers opended in the same computer, and I'm getting different visualizations (even after stand and move the avatars, and sit again):


I'm using "Firestorm 6.3.9 (58205) May 27 2020 01:20:51 (64bit) (Firestorm-Releasex64)"!

I also tried to use 1 Firestrom Viewer, and 1 Secondlife Viewer, and I had exactly the same problem!

How to fix this issue? This is an irritating problem!


I'm using the following code to move the avatar after it sits:


list PosInit = [<0.12,0.00994,1.82031>,<0.30806,0.04116,1.74561>];
list RotInit = [<0,0,0>,<0,0,0>];

list AdjP = [<0,0,0>, <0,0,0>];
list AdjR = [<0,0,0>, <0,0,0>];


llSetLinkPrimitiveParamsFast((integer)llList2String(BDLnk, i),[
                PRIM_POS_LOCAL,(vector)llList2String(PosInit , i) - (vector)llList2String(AdjP , i),
                PRIM_ROT_LOCAL, llEuler2Rot(((vector)llList2String(RotInit , i) - (vector)llList2String(AdjR , i)) * DEG_TO_RAD)


Any help will be appreciated!

Thank you!

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It's on the Graphics setting - here is a picture I pinched from another thread:


Set this number at no lower than 2. If it is already above 1, then that is not your issue.

and here is a thread where its meaning is discussed - 

Emma :) 

Edited by Emma Krokus
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Ok... I failed!!! Avatar impostors is not your issue... (Hmmm - you have checked both avatar's settings in graphics?...)

Just one more idea... maybe check you have picked the correct male / female on your shape settings. 

I use another viewer to yourself and am able to choose male / female when I make a shape. Setting male or female, there will be differences in the size of... body parts which can impact animations.

Hope you get this sorted!

Emma :) 

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1 hour ago, Emma Krokus said:

Ok... I failed!!! Avatar impostors is not your issue... (Hmmm - you have checked both avatar's settings in graphics?...)

Just one more idea... maybe check you have picked the correct male / female on your shape settings. 

I use another viewer to yourself and am able to choose male / female when I make a shape. Setting male or female, there will be differences in the size of... body parts which can impact animations.

Hope you get this sorted!

Emma :) 

Yes! Both viewers have value 16 in impostors field!

Emma, where that option (Male/Female) can be found?


Thank you!


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Some questions:

Are both avatars sitting on a pose stands which animate both avatars or are any avatars standing and using an HUD to animate them?

If both avatars are sitting, please do the following test with only 1 avatar on your pose stand per viewer:

Do not detach anything while sitting on the pose stand else you risk triggering a bug that stops animations.

Turn off any AO's. Make sure hover height is 0.0.

Go to Preferences > General > My name (to hide your name tag)

Go to Developer > Avatar > Animation Info (to display all currently playing animations and priorities)

Take a picture of the animation list for each viewer and post here.

Other questions you might not have an answer to:

I assume this post stand is playing animations per joint you want to move, but is it playing an override animation for both the torso and chest? If not, the "breathe_rot" system animation will cause your avatar to move. "body_noise" may as well.

Edited by Lucia Nightfire
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On 11/21/2020 at 1:28 AM, Lucia Nightfire said:

Some questions:

Are both avatars sitting on a pose stands which animate both avatars or are any avatars standing and using an HUD to animate them?

If both avatars are sitting, please do the following test with only 1 avatar on your pose stand per viewer:

Do not detach anything while sitting on the pose stand else you risk triggering a bug that stops animations.

Turn off any AO's. Make sure hover height is 0.0.

Go to Preferences > General > My name (to hide your name tag)

Go to Developer > Avatar > Animation Info (to display all currently playing animations and priorities)

Take a picture of the animation list for each viewer and post here.

Other questions you might not have an answer to:

I assume this post stand is playing animations per joint you want to move, but is it playing an override animation for both the torso and chest? If not, the "breathe_rot" system animation will cause your avatar to move. "body_noise" may as well.

Both avatars are sitting in a multiprim object!

Both avatars have HoverHeight 0.0, and are not using any AO's!




The poses are static! There is no movements!

Each avatar have a different pose! The picts shows a unique uuid pose, because I sit one avatar then stand, then I sit the other avatar and stand again!

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What's with all the standing? I thought this was a sit object that made the poses.

I checked the data for that animation and noticed some oddties with the rotations using variable keyframes while the pelvis only used 2 keyframes, plus it's 1.5 seconds long with 1.0 second ease in and out for some reason.

If this object is publicly accessible, such as in a store, can you please tell us where it is located in-world so we can test it?

Can you also please file a bug report about the issue since you mentioned it affects LL's viewer as well.


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On 11/20/2020 at 6:27 PM, Creative Starfall said:


I'm getting a very annoying problem!

I'm using 2 Firestorm viewers: 1 male avatar + 1 female avatar

I've the 2 Viewers opended in the same computer, and I'm getting different visualizations (even after stand and move the avatars, and sit again):


I'm using "Firestorm 6.3.9 (58205) May 27 2020 01:20:51 (64bit) (Firestorm-Releasex64)"!

I also tried to use 1 Firestrom Viewer, and 1 Secondlife Viewer, and I had exactly the same problem!

How to fix this issue? This is an irritating problem!


I'm using the following code to move the avatar after it sits:


Any help will be appreciated!

Thank you!

I just did a test using Firestorm and Linden Official and can't reproduce your problem.
Both clients played the animations in the same positions and were identical as you can also see in the Video below.
You need to figure out whats wrong with either your animation, your scripts or whatever other settings that might be affecting your setup.


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I found the problem!
Some poses causes minor deformations in the avatars, 
These minor deformations made the avatars not match!
So it was necessary to "Undeform" each avatar before proceeding to the next pose/animation!
Each Viewer interprets the deformation differently, hence the differences between the viewers!
It's strange ... but it seems to be true!
Thank you all for your help!

God bless you!

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