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Seeking Models - Music Project within Second Life

Tokyo Enyo

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Music Project Model Search

Ah, the life of being a designer in and out of second life! Oh how I may have left the ranks of the fashion designers, but in a way, I'm still tethered to Adobe's code like a pup to the treat jar. I am looking for volunteers to model for track covers, this means that you'll get professional second life photography done by me, as well as be featured on youtube and other platforms. No moving videos planned as of yet, most of the videos are still visualizers with the cover bouncing in the background.

For more information see:


In Search Of: Models! *SEE BLOG POST*

WIX BLOG: https://starlordx1983.wixsite.com/ksblog/post/music-project-model-search 

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Heeey it's me I'm BEHIND on checking this - I'm just gonna hit ACCEPT on all of y'all and send you this model release form.. that way you all above this post and below CAN FILL THIS OUT. 

Then i'll be able to get you scheduled when i get a chance :D



I'm on around late evening/late nights - and if i'm not online in world just notecard/IM me :)

It will be a week or so still before i'm entirely ready to figure out what needs doing :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

"aren't proceeding" would be ... mixed messages, i guess - I SORT OF AM prodceeding, and i guess my blog post wasn't clear.

I need to figure out HOW i need to do this instead of leading everyone on :P

I let everyone choose their song and it was a song peopel were choosing that i'd made two years ago and had no intention of releasing to spotify or otherwise.

If anything it's more about WHAT needs track covers on audius that may be used for popular music platforms - and I just didn't think this through at the time because i didn't know about amuse.io. which i used to release Chasing You on spotify for.

I have indeed closed off the google forms, but you're welcome to wait around and see what's available - Right now i'm REALLY not in the right headspace because I'm not good at organizing everyone without panicking.

If someone wants to be a project manager voluntarily and help organize it - I'm happy to sort of plan and open it back up.  It will be end of Jan/Early feb before i consider anything. 
Part of this is that i have Autism and ADHD and if i don't think it through it doesn't work - so if anyone's WILLING and able to not just model but collaborate in the organizational sense ..
I'll do the photography when it comes to that, and designing it - but planning poses and everything might take a little more consideration.

I apologize profusley :)

You're all amazing.
I don't want to leave anyone out - so even if the google forms are closed just feel free to reply here or comment on my blog posts to see where i'm at. 
And thank you RowanMinx for responding :)

If you're not in my discord you don't usually have the same updates because i forget where all i've posted about it. 
So yes, it's "UP IN THE AIR" / "NOT REALLY PROCEEDING" - but more so "AT THIS MOMENT IT ISN'T" -  So without trying to lead anyone on or make poeple feel like i'm leaving them out i wanted to clarify :)

<3 Hope you had a wonderful christmas/new year

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On 12/31/2020 at 2:35 AM, Sophieprettygirl said:


Tokyo, I sent you my application weeks ago. Did you receive it?

I beleive i did, but if you give me time i have to get organized if i'm to proceed with this project please see the updates post - PLUS my post above this that explains WHY it's up in the air.

Everyone's welcome to keep replying, but i need to do more planning and organizing if it's to ever fly off the ground. :)

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Please don't message me in world, i'm rarely on except for Djing on Starlordx1983 and blogging times. 

There's a messaging service on my website or you can join my discord for more information. 

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