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[SOLVED]"Unable to create" any attachment on login


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When i login at home location, I get "Unable to create item '' that has caused problems on this region" on anything and everything attached, except system bodyparts. As far as i know, none of the attachment are unusual, there are common  meshbody, hair, clothes, etc. If  i TP to next region and relogin at Last Location, so far the attachments have rezzed normally and they stay on if i TP back home. 

This has happened several times now, first i thought was just a random glitch as things worked normally for a while, but ive got it 3 times in a row now and trying to wear anything after TP to home does nothing.What could cause this and how can i fix it?


Edited by DeeLisdun
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38 minutes ago, DeeLisdun said:

When i login at home location, I get "Unable to create item '' that has caused problems on this region" on anything and everything attached, except system bodyparts. As far as i know, none of the attachment are unusual, there are common  meshbody, hair, clothes, etc. If  i TP to next region and relogin at Last Location, so far the attachments have rezzed normally and they stay on if i TP back home. 

This has happened several times now, first i thought was just a random glitch as things worked normally for a while, but ive got it 3 times in a row now and trying to wear anything after TP to home does nothing.What could cause this and how can i fix it?


Messages Mentioning Regions

Error Remedy
“Unable to create item that has caused problems on this region.” 1) Have the region restarted; this will usually fix it.
2) If a region restart doesn't clear it up, the sim owner may need to ask LL to move the sim to another server channel.
Edited by RowanMinx
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