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Rentals you don't wanna miss!

Xaviana Carpaccio

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We have 2 available rentals at the moment. Our houses get rented really fast so if you are looking for a home feel free to visit us. One of them is a family house, and the other is a small house we set up as a "skybox" with a very warm cozy feeling. We called it Pine Hollow. The skybox goes for L$1 per prim and it's set to 200 prims. The family house which forms part of the adult community goes for L$2 per prim and it's set to 400 prims.

Take a taxi to our Lobby. Upon arrival you can either choose to explore the sim or use our rental kiosk to find the available rentals.

Coco Reserve

For any further questions please feel free to IM Xaviana Carpaccio, Ezramcgowan or Colebryson

See you at Coco Reserve!

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