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K-POP Members Needed


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Bringing K-POP group Blackpink to SecondLife!

We are a new team looking for people who can play as the real-life members of Blackpink here in Second Life.

It will be like a tribute band here in SL. This includes dressing up our avatars to look like the members of Blackpink as close as possible.

Our goal is to preform concerts for people in SL. We will dress our avatars and using animations to dance on stage for audience.


Needed: Blackpink member Jennie, Rosé and Jisoo❤️ (Lisa has been chosen already) Possibly someone who has their own stream to play music in SL. (We will be using this in order to play music for future concerts) Someone to record our concerts in Second Life for YouTube. Dance animator or someone in charge of choreography.

  • You MUST: Be experienced in Second Life (No new avatars!) You will be required to make a quality looking avatar, know how things work in SL, etc etc.
  • Have the funds needed to create your avatar/clothes as a look-a-like for Blackpink members. (Human avatars only) We may be able to help you with some things.
  • KNOW BLACKPINK! Their songs, clothing style, etc. We'd rather you know of Blackpink or be a fan of them to apply.
  • Able to type/speak English language (FIRST) well enough to communicate with your members and be friendly with our Second Life fans. (Would be helpful if you could text in Korean or Japanese or other languages as well.)

PLEASE NOTE: We get paid in tips/donations when we have concerts. This is not for money-grabbers! We want to create a friendly team of people who share the same love/interest and respect the members of Blackpink first and foremost and have fun! xD

Contact MaroBear inworld to apply. More info coming soon. ❤️

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On 11/17/2020 at 9:14 PM, MaroBear said:


Just an update! Blackpink's Jisoo role has been taken!

Needed: Jennie and Rosé

Need just 2 more people to fill the roles in order to have a Blackpink concert here in SecondLife! Contact meeee please xD

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We did a video as blackpink working with the paragon animation releases to do others.. If you would like to take a look. All the members are listed 

. We are working on itzy right now so we don't really stick to one band.. Most of the backgrounds and camera work we're made by me from scratch. Rose.. Plans all the dances and outfit with the others. You can find all of us at the persona club in sl. Drop by when you want to.  As far as I know there is a few blackpink cover bands in sl.. We plan to do a show once we went through a few videos.. I also did a dudud test run..Also none of the members are exclusively working with us or anything be sure to ask them if you need anyone.. I play jisoo but am so busy making the next set that I will ne quite useless.. The rest will be happy to help if you ask them.. ***And please keep us posted when you do a concert in sl. I always wanted to watch one in sl.. 


Edited by jet Bates
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