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PluralKit for Second Life?

Chroma Starlight

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Can anyone suggest an in-world implementation of something like PluralKit on Discord for individual systems that find themselves navigating SecondLife completely unformatted? We're just curious what ideas have been explored here already. The most basic might be some prefix on chat text, but we're wondering what new ideas and automation people here are developing for this lately.

Edited by Chroma Starlight
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4 hours ago, Fritigern Gothly said:

I think that system is called "using alts"

That seems like a lot of overhead, primarily suited to monothreaded activity with very high switch overhead, but what about dynamic situations with multiple systems interacting and being inclusive of all members? Are they going to sit in a room and fire up fifteen clients to have a conversation? There are plenty of use cases where 'alts' isn't really an answer at all.

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1 hour ago, Chroma Starlight said:

Are they going to sit in a room and fire up fifteen clients to have a conversation? There are plenty of use cases where 'alts' isn't really an answer at all.

Essentially, yes. Text clients of course. Likely hosted on an external server ("the cloud").

The SL login system is nowhere near fast enough to just "swap accounts on the fly." Those accounts must already have a presence on standby. Beyond that, it could work by simply IMing the account with the message you want it to repeat. Alternatively you could customize a viewer with special functionality for this exact purpose (like local chat message parsing, then simply redirecting that message if it matches some criteria for an account), so you wouldn't have to manually open IMs with each target account.

Edited by Wulfie Reanimator
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