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Triumphant Church Service

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We would like to invite everyone to come out to our Saturday Service at 2pm SLT located at the Triumphant Church location in SL. here is the landmark: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Blossom%20World/34/211/23 Every Saturday at 2pm we will have our regularly scheduled service starting today Nov. 14th, 2020. Come join us as we fellowship together, as well as grow together Spiritually. Starting on Friday Nov. 20th, 2020, we will be starting our weekly Christian Hip Hop service at 6pm. We hope to see you there and have a wonderful blessed day. Here is the official Discord Channel: https://discord.gg/SfzRXahN as well as our website: http://triumphant-church.com/ If you have any questions feel free to contact dragon.macpherson. See you soon :)

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