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Private Homestead Sim 5,000prims region for sale.

KuroNeko Deka

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Full Region and Homestead SIMs are on sale.
The land store is very busy right now. It is in a waiting state.
If you want to get it quickly, please consider purchasing my SIM.

# Full Region 20K selling price is L$90500.
(L$90500 = $349 same price as the store)
Monthly charges up to the next tier (2020-12-15) are also included.

# Homestead selling price is L$38800.
(L$38800 = $149 same price as the store)
Monthly charges up to the next tier (2020-12-10) are also included.
*You must own at least one full region to purchase Homestead.

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15 hours ago, KuroNeko Deka said:

This price also includes next monthly fee of US$109 and a transfer fee of US$100 until the next tier.

The price you set is your business but the next maintenance fee can't be included in the price.
From the moment the region is transfered the new owner is responsible for payment, only the remaining time of current fee cycle is transfered.

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