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Lookin for friends with deep connections


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Hiya, I am not even sure if it is worth putting this post up, starting to lose all hope in SL that there are actually people wrth loggin in for :(. I am big on connections and enjoy getting to know someone. I love photography, shopping, clubbing or just hanging out and chatting.

 I am Uk time zone but off and on through the day, just looking for the people that sick around and make eachother smile.. sl can be a bit lonely times

Hit me up in world if you wanna chat/ hang out :) laylaharris18

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3 hours ago, laylaharris18 said:

the people that stick around and make each other smile.

I have had so many people come and then go but I am still here making people smile. I don't know if they laugh at me or with me, but at least I make them laugh. Feel free to reach out with an IM.

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