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Dani Dismantled

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I put a piece for land up for sale 4096 for L$8000 I noticed someone bought it in world but I didn't get any Lindens And no transaction has show up on My account what gives? I know for sure I put it for sale L$8000! I even relogged And refreshed Lindens nothing!

Edited by ChaoticFire86
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3 hours ago, ChaoticFire86 said:

I put a piece for land up for sale 4096 for L$8000 I noticed someone bought it in world but I didn't get any Lindens And no transaction has show up on My account what gives? I know for sure I put it for sale L$8000! I even relogged And refreshed Lindens nothing!

Was it group owned land? If so, the lindens would go to the group and then get distributed via dividends.

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7 hours ago, ChaoticFire86 said:

Yes it was deeded to My group but i've sold group deeded land before And the lindens all went to Me!

It's a timing thing. From memory, dividends get distributed at one point of the day so you should see it in your balance when that happens. And it will show in your group profile as well.

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