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Want to watch movies in my skybox

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       To clarify the skybox is on my SL moms land.  It's 800 meters up.  I have two TV's in the skybox that came with the place and I was wondering if it's possible to get movies streaming onto them so me and friends can watch movies at my skybox.  Any help would be much appreciated.  I'm only 24 days old so any info is appreciated.  Don't think I might know something cause I probably won't.

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Such a straightforward question deserves a simple answer, but there's a stupid amount of complexity here just under the surface and I'm not sure how to help without drowning you in details.

Let's start with "me and friends". Presumably that means more than one viewer consuming the same movie at more or less the same time, and that sort of synchronization isn't always possible. The way in-world media works is not by the SL servers streaming the video to the viewer, but rather simply telling the viewer what video to stream, so when multiple viewers stream the same video, it's about the same as telling a chatroom to all watch the same YouTube video starting at the same time. Now if one viewer drops a connection (teleports out, crashes, whatever) they'll have a really hard time resynchronizing with the rest. (There are exceptions: some video formats on some versions of some operating systems can specify start times for synchronizing, and there are real time event streams that all viewers will see only the current time.)

That caveat aside, there are two broad categories of in-world "TV screen" surfaces, "Parcel media" and "Shared media" (the latter often known as "Media on a Prim" or MoaP).

"Parcel media" changes a setting on the land such that every "TV" on the parcel sees the same stream. (I doesn't need to work that way, but it's how pretty much all TV scripts use this feature.) To work, the TV script must be owned by the parcel owner (so on group land, it must be group-deeded) but that script may take instructions from other "remote control" scripts with different owners, and/or can allow UI access to anybody for controls. To see this land setting, check menubar World / About Land / Media. If you have sufficient permissions on the land, you can change the values manually that are usually controlled by "TV" scripts.

"Shared media" changes a setting on an object surface that will work regardless of land parcel, so operating permissions are under control of the script. You can see and manually adjust these settings from the object editor: select an object you're permitted to Modify and in the editor use "Select Face" and click on a single face of the object, use the "Texture" tab, pick "Media" (instead of "Materials") and pick "Choose..." to see all the options that are ordinarily controlled by a "TV" script.

Once you've played with the controls a bit, you'll see that none of this is rocket science, and you don't really need a "TV" at all, you can just make any simple flat surface show your specified streaming media.

Somebody else may have suggestions for where to find good sources of movies to stream, the TVs may have movie streams for you to choose, or you may already have your favorites on YouTube, archive.org, or wherever.

(Also, try to get your friends to use an up-to-date version of their viewer. Until recently, some very common stream formats were unsupported, but I think all major viewers' current releases now use the updated CEF and can show many more formats.)

*see menubar World / About Land / Media

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