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Can We Have a Sim Naming Contest for Bellisseria

Prokofy Neva

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One of the great fascinations to me in Second Life has always been how the Lindens name sims. We all know the history of the names of the very first sims, which were named for the streets around their office, starting with the first, called Da Boom.

I think Americans don't realize that Furness, Alston, Maryport, Ravenglass -- these are the names of real-life places in the UK. The Romans were in Ravenglass and it has a colourful history. A RL Ravenglass tourist firm once rented my SL sim of Ravenglass and put up an elaborate castle complete with a legend involving "the Fool of Ravenglass," imagine.

The Lindens have used everything from the Finger Lakes' names in Upstate New York (Cayuga, Keuka) to RL Russian province names on sims. Some of them get pretty weird and probably they have stories behind them.

When I see all these elaborate names on the Bellisseria sims, I sometimes wonder if they are made up. But then I discover that they are actually real terms in the Scottish or Welsh languages or whatever. Maybe these are the native countries of some Moles.

Anyone can name a private island or homestead if they buy them and you can name a Mainland parcel.

But wouldn't it be great if there were a contest to name new Bellisseria sims? It would be like the contest for the new last names, only even better, because it would be on the map for ever more and more visible.

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