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Open your inventory and click on "Recent". It show you what you got since you logged in. The cogwheel symbol at the bottom, let you change to to what you got since (number of days). So if you bought it yesterday, you click on 1 day, etc.

Most times when you shop inworld, it comes under "objects" in a container that can have various forms. A box or a shopping bag is common. If something in the name says "add" or "wear" you do that. This will attach to your avatar like a shopping bag or to the screen like a poster. Some unpack without any action from you , sometimes it need a click on it. A blue window will pop up, read that it is from the object and click accept. Detach it from yourself after. Marketplace shopping comes in "Recieved" items. Open the same way.

If you get a box or other object attached to your avatar, that does not respond to clicking, you must unpack it in a sandbox, as already said.


Edited by Marianne Little
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