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Looking for occupation - Exotic Avatar


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Hello I have been for a while taking a break of working in SL but I am getting back the vibe of a bit of labor!

So SL experiences:

Estate Manager 

Dancer - Host - DJ

Real life I have had jobs before 2009 in all kind of field as I was a freelancer. Starting from "Working physical" jobs, passing by office work to public employment such as customer service and sales. After I was contracted in the field of Intelligence and work under contract for 10 years in Projection Development and management. Actually I can't talk much about it as it risk charges but I typically worked in the field of next generation technologies and experimental research in the field of Mind manipulation.

As in date of today I am online about 16 hours a day and 7 days a week. I am a very dedicated hard worker and steady on my post. I learn very quick to do almost anything and are good at adaptation except for one point here in SL and this is the only one closing me doors which there is no negotioation. I chose my form to live my life and this is to be a sssssnake lady! ♥

If you are interested in hiring a very present and active professional and don't mind me not being human then hit me up!

I am a very chill and laid back snake. But must keep my warm blood if I don't want to lose my heartbeat! I'm a very social caring lover and contributing to something is a pleasure for me. So if you have a business and could use my help or service but is short on L$ do not worry too much about it because salary is not expected as I am looking for something to busy myself and maybe introduce me to something new more than making money but you know... It is always appreciated to get something so I am not looking to necessary be "exploitable volunteer" but what I have in mind to obtain following my interest is very low about Linden money....

 I hope to hear from you and just saying, whatever is you do if you think I can contribute even if it is just to coil around as decoration every now and then xD


Let me know what is up and I'll tell you what I can do ;)








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