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Looking for a job asap!


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20 minutes ago, HoneyBooXo said:

I did tag the type of job I was interested in...modelling, waitress, store clerk

You might have better luck looking for a host job at a club.  Not sure how many waitress jobs are in SL nor store clerk as everything is automated.  Customer service reps do exist but you need a firm grasp on the ins and outs of SL.  A lot of times those jobs are taken by a creators alt or a friend.  Same goes for modeling.  Store owner make their own alt accounts to use.

There are plenty of host/dj/dancer jobs available at different clubs.  Most post in this sub forum when they're looking for employees.  

Like this one right here


Edited by RowanMinx
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Thanks for the plug Rowan...

I usually don't post on someone's topic of "looking for work". Sl work is very much like RL work and those that are running clubs or stores are usually too busy to leisurely stroll through all these ads looking for employees. We post our want ads, let you know how to get an application and because we are busy running those companies, hope that you read and follow instructions. Am I right?

There are customer service jobs out there, but you have to know and wear that companies product. There are a few restaurants that I know of in SL. Inworld search would benefit you. Search restaurants and go visit them, grab their notecards and get familiar with their systems, reach out, join the group; let them know you are interested. Have you found a product you love and just can't do without? Join the group, look for them on Facebook, interact with meaningful posts... and who knows ... they might find you.

Good luck!


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