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Generation X?


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I've been in sl for about 6 years now, and still to this day, I have met very few people my age.. sooo.. i decided to start a group called "Generation X'ers" for those born between 1965-1980. 

I hope it will be a good place for us to get to know more ppl our age and to share hangout spots etc.

Here is the link if interested! Thanks :) secondlife:///app/group/eb82e487-e581-4e8d-e2eb-70de5a515453/about

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9 hours ago, Love Zhaoying said:

I keep forgetting that I am Gen-X and have to Google it a lot.  Maybe a sign that I am Gen-X..

Love mate, they keep moving the goalposts. Two older than you and me a boomer? You know hooms - they just have this bizarre need to stick everyone in to little boxes =^^=

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6 hours ago, Wulfie Reanimator said:

Not long ago I blew my own mind realizing how old I was.

   It's all a matter of perspective.

   Like, in terms of time, we are closer to Cleopatra VIIth lifetime, than she was to the construction of the pyramids of Giza. By a margin of roughly half a millennia. 

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15 hours ago, Feather Muircastle said:

I'm 23  in SL....that's my story and i'm sticking to it!!!! (1970)

I always claimed that Lil was "Forever 30" in SL.  My 30th year in RL is when I split from my first husband and finally started discovering ME.  It was probably the best year of my life.


Like others, I always assumed that SL was mostly dominated by Gen-X folks.  While I am officially a Boomer, I was born at the tail end of it, so I often find myself sometimes fitting in  with Boomers and sometimes with Gen-X.

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Nods to who mentioned always forgetting what they were. Born in 1965. I just realized my generation is perfectly me - late Boomer (I really am a late bLoomer!! 🌼 ).
I find it depends on where I am at inworld but I am generally at a writing place and it's mostly the #overfifty crowd. 

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