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Scripting help needed please!


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Hi everyone! I need help with a current script and having it function as I want it to. Please contact me for details. I’m definitely not good with scripts and I’m sure it’s just missing a few steps! 

Thanks - Mimi

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8 minutes ago, Mimizy said:

Please contact me for details.

That's not the way it works.  If you are writing a script and have trouble with some part of it, tell us what you are trying to do and show us enough of the script you are working on to explain where you think the problem lies.  This is a forum for scripters to trade ideas and to moan about things that aren't working quite right for them. If you want to hire someone to write a script for you or to modify a script, the place to post is the InWorld Employment forum. 

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Thanks for the reply. It was a suggestion to post here in these forums so I did. I appreciate the feedback regardless. As with your suggestion, I will go there as well and hope this time it’s correct. 

Thanks - Mimi

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13 minutes ago, Mimizy said:

Thanks for the reply. It was a suggestion to post here in these forums so I did. I appreciate the feedback regardless. As with your suggestion, I will go there as well and hope this time it’s correct. 

Thanks - Mimi

You're fine here.  Just post the script you're having trouble with so someone can see where the problem might be.

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