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Is there a way to save Belleza Jake alpha setting with each outfit?


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Hello everyone! I got a jacket but it didn't have an applier for Belleza Jake, however I was able to use HUD alpha settings to make it fit except now every time I change my outfit I need to turn on/off the alpha settings. Is there any way to make this automatic when I change my outfit? Or is there any other way to do it without using the HUD alpha setting? Thanks!

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35 minutes ago, backtoblack27 said:

Hello everyone! I got a jacket but it didn't have an applier for Belleza Jake, however I was able to use HUD alpha settings to make it fit except now every time I change my outfit I need to turn on/off the alpha settings. Is there any way to make this automatic when I change my outfit? Or is there any other way to do it without using the HUD alpha setting? Thanks!

What I do is make a copy of the body with the alpha set and save that body as part of the outfit - and then wear the normal body for other outfits.

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