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Newbie questions: Step and repeat? Distributing objects?

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Two quick build questions, coming from a design world of Indesign/Illustrator/Sketch/Sketchup ...

First, is there a way to step and repeat and object in build mode a specific distance? Example, a column. I have one column and I want to step and repeat that 7 more times each 3m apart from one another on one of the horizontal axis.

Second, is there a way to evenly distribute objects? Example, I have created 8 columns that are in a line but are bunched together. I set the two "end point" columns where the need to be, the select all 8 and can click to evenly distribute them in terms of there spacing along an axis? Here are my columns originally, say ... * * *    **** * ... I set the two end columns ... *           * *    ****           * ... and then after my distribution they look like this ... *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *.


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Take a look at 

That should get you started.  Notice that you can adjust the grid dimensions at will:


You can find excellent free building classes at the Builders Brewery, in world, where basic and advanced techniques are discussed.

EDIT:  As for your second question.... you can drag rezzed objects, using Snap To Grid, to respace them fairly easily.  If you are mildly adept at LSL scripting, and if you expect to have a recurring need for a spacing tool you can also write a simple script to respace a set of objects.  I wouldn't do that for a one-time project, but it could be handy if you typically need to reorder oddly-spaced things.

Edited by Rolig Loon
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