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Am I just nuts or...

When you go to a sim where the owner's put snow on the ground and created a winter theme...do you have to wrap up your AV warm, or you start to feel cold in RL?

Though for some reason it never works the other way round...can detach clothes and jump in the SL sea, but it doesn't help you cool off in a heatwave? o.O

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My land changes with the season.. I'll have to go down there and see if it's been changed or not..

It's kind of nice when it changes..it's good for if you want to add a more winter feel to your surroundings.. I love a good snow fall that just covers everything in a blanket of snow..I'm in heaven then.hehehe

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This post reminds me of what a revelation SL was for making me realise how much of this stuff is in the mind. Not all of it, of course, but a surprising amount.

I found it did work in reverse, to a degree. I was living in a very cold and draughty place at the time and parking my avatar in some hot springs or on a sun-soaked beach didn't warm me up like it would have in reality, but it took the edge off it a bit. 

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3 hours ago, Amina Sopwith said:

This post reminds me of what a revelation SL was for making me realise how much of this stuff is in the mind. Not all of it, of course, but a surprising amount.

I found it did work in reverse, to a degree. I was living in a very cold and draughty place at the time and parking my avatar in some hot springs or on a sun-soaked beach didn't warm me up like it would have in reality, but it took the edge off it a bit. 

I don't think it makes you feel warmer. It just makes you not mind it so much.

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1 minute ago, Horus Salubrius said:

I do oddly want to be dressed appropriately for the sim.

I got myself a lovely long, vintage style coat with hood and muff to wander around the winter wonderland sims last year. Dressing for the surroundings is part of the fun.

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10 hours ago, Horus Salubrius said:

I do oddly want to be dressed appropriately for the sim.

I really only do that for photoshoots. Otherwise I'm strictly in short sleeves or no sleeves, because rigged long sleeves look daft waving around like normal when I only have half an arm. Sometimes I'll wear a prosthetic to make it look right but, just as in RL, 90% of the time I can't be arsed to put the darned thing on.

I wish there was a way to alpha out parts of mesh clothes like we do with mesh bodies.

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I will admit that I do dress my avi and my animesh baby daughter according to the time of year and weather where we are at in Second Life. So does my husband. Every Winter, we get a log cabin set up on a snowy sim because both of us love the cooler seasons. Winter is my favorite season. I love the cooler weather and snow. Until my move to the UK in a year and a half, I'll have to settle for the cooler weather inworld. :)


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