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Lost On Notecard Changes

Nova Enchantment

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So I have googled this for hours and I just can't seem to find it. I know it can be done but I'm not sure where to start on it. I have my full script all ready set up just need a way to do this. So What I want to happen is for the script to reset only if the Notecard changes. So if I drop an item into the object I don't want it to reset ever time its changes Only when the notecard is updated. How would I go about that?

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It goes something like this:

key notecard_key;

    state_entry ()
        notecard_key = llGetInventoryKey ("My notecard");
        // read notecard data

    changed (integer changes)
        if (changes & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            key new_notecard_key = llGetInventoryKey ("My notecard");
            if (new_notecard_key != notecard_key)
                notecard_key = new_notecard_key;
                // read new notecard data


Edited by KT Kingsley
Oops, forgot to save the new key
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You can't really check a certain notecard unless you check its number of lines, and each lines values,

but this might be kinda close....

integer invCount;
    state_entry ()
    {  invCount =  llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_ALL );    // get new count on reset  
    changed (integer changes)
        if (changes & CHANGED_INVENTORY)
            if(  llGetInventoryNumber( INVENTORY_ALL ) == invCount )  // if inv hasn't changed, its an update
            { llOwnerSay("NC update");


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