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Stocky Male Mesh Body? Like Old-Timey 1920s "Strongmen" Bodies!

Lorelei Mission

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Hi I'm back in SL after being gone for nearly ten years, and whoa, mesh has changed things.

I've dragged my boyfriend back in with me, of course.Since my boyfriend isn't as keen on SL as I am, he doesn't care what body he gets, but I do. I have specific preferences on how I like a guy to look.  I shopped around a bit and the male mesh bodies are so far very offputting; in particular, they tend to have a triangle shape with the shoulders'chest too puffed-up and the waists too small for my preferences, and muscle shaping down the arms is overdone... I can put up with most of this, I guess, except for those thinning waists. What I'd like for Jon would be a stocky male body, sides just about straight down from armpit to waist, not tapered-in like what I'm seeing in the stores. I don't know if once we buy the mesh body we can reshape it ourselves, but I don't want to throw good money and then find out these bodies don't alter very well.

What store should we visit to buy Jon the body type I'm describing? Or, if I have to help him reshape a mesh body himself, how is that going to work without looking bad?

Also, where are we gonna want to go for his skin, since I don't want to have to look at any extreme washboard stomach lining shadows on him, either?

I've included pics of non-waisted men, as best I could find on the internet, to try to show the type of stocky sturdy guy I like. Minus the excess washboard lines of course lol

Thank you all so much for your understanding...






Edited by Lorelei Mission
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3 hours ago, Lorelei Mission said:

Hi I'm back in SL after being gone for nearly ten years, and whoa, mesh has changed things.

I've dragged my boyfriend back in with me, of course.Since my boyfriend isn't as keen on SL as I am, he doesn't care what body he gets, but I do. I have specific preferences on how I like a guy to look.  I shopped around a bit and the male mesh bodies are so far very offputting; in particular, they tend to have a triangle shape with the shoulders'chest too puffed-up and the waists too small for my preferences, and muscle shaping down the arms is overdone... I can put up with most of this, I guess, except for those thinning waists. What I'd like for Jon would be a stocky male body, sides just about straight down from armpit to waist, not tapered-in like what I'm seeing in the stores. I don't know if once we buy the mesh body we can reshape it ourselves, but I don't want to throw good money and then find out these bodies don't alter very well.

What store should we visit to buy Jon the body type I'm describing? Or, if I have to help him reshape a mesh body himself, how is that going to work without looking bad?

Also, where are we gonna want to go for his skin, since I don't want to have to look at any extreme washboard stomach lining shadows on him, either?

I've included pics of non-waisted men, as best I could find on the internet, to try to show the type of stocky sturdy guy I like. Minus the excess washboard lines of course lol

Thank you all so much for your understanding...






My partner uses the Legacy body and does a pretty good job with his shape.  He's constantly fixing this or that.  It can be made more bulky than some of the others in my opinion.

The only problem with Niramyth is that as far a I'm aware, you still can't use any other skins on it so you're stuck trying to match whatever mesh head/skin you get.  And NO, you can not use the Niramyth head!!!!!! Never ever!! No!!!

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I will say the waist is not a problem. And the demo bodies react to the sliders when you go into appearance, so get a demo for yourself and work on it. My immediate thought is increase the body width, it is the #1 tab under appearance. Then go to the torso and take in the shoulders and increase love handles.

I agree with the previous post that recommend Belleza Jake. I hesitate to recommend Legacy, but I admit that it is a very good body to work with. It is expensive and has a lot of triangles, so it can be hard on the system. Make sure your computers are up to date with graphics and storage.

The skin is a problem, sice SL creators simply favor the V - line and abs.


Pacing @Skell Daggerfor advice about this.


Edited by Marianne Little
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Welcome back to SL!

I recommend Belleza Jake. My man also does not care about his virtual appearance so I have to edit and style his AV all the time.

To get rid of the V shape or tiny waist you need to pay attention to these sliders:

Shoulders 0
Body Thickness 40
Torso Length 30
Love Handles 35

This is a conservative example, not sure if this is the exact look you want but you can make him stockier, just focus on shoulder-hip and torso length-love handle proportions.


Edited by Yuumo Ichibara
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