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Reclamação sobre lindens comprados no site


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5 answers to this question

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24 minutes ago, Jusimons said:

COMPREI 4,500 lindens no site no dia 1 de novembro e ainda não foi para a minha conta , e já foi contada no meu cartão , quero saber o porque não chegou os lindens ?, porque se demorar mais quero meu dinheiro de volta 

check your order history, you might not have bought L$ but ordered it by using a Limit Buy.

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12 minutes ago, Alwin Alcott said:

verifique seu histórico de pedidos, você pode não ter comprado L $, mas fez o pedido usando uma Compra Limitada.

Resumo Quantidade (USD)
Saldo inicial $0.00
Ajuste do saldo ($19.49)
Total do comprador do LindeX $19.49
Saldo final $0.00

 aqui que você diz  ? 

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1 hour ago, Jusimons said:
Resumo Quantidade (USD)
Saldo inicial $0.00
Ajuste do saldo ($19.49)
Total do comprador do LindeX $19.49
Saldo final $0.00

 aqui que você diz  ? 

that's not your order history.
you find it under the "manage"button  next to the "buy" at your accountpage


Edited by Alwin Alcott
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2 hours ago, Jusimons said:

I bought 4,500 lindens on the site on November 1st and it still hasn't been on my account, and it has already been counted on my card, I want to know why the lindens didn't arrive? Because if I take longer I want my money back 

After you get to your Order History, you can cancel the pending order and then go back to the Buy screen again, but this time use the LEFT side of the screen -- The INSTANT BUY.

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