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9 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I think when either side starts making a hard turn away from the center and getting deep to the left or the right..those are the ones I worry about..

That's either side.. either side in general has their goods and bads..I've lived enough in areas where one or the other had full control.. I've got a good enough amount of experience with both to know when the scent of bullcrap is floating out of someones mouth.. That scent isn't just coming out of one pasture, that's for sure.. hehehe

I agree. 

But, Trump has been disgraceful, even his statements when former President Obama was president.  He was disgraceful to the Muslim people and I live with Muslims in my apartment building.   There are all religions in my apartment building.   He over steps bounds so he can be the Drama King of the universe, and I believe he is a trouble maker where there is none.  I'm not speaking about any re-counts he may want...I'm speaking in general terms. 

I find the political system of America and Puritanism thoroughly archaic.  I want a secular government or a more secular government. 

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1 hour ago, Drake1 Nightfire said:

Biden was NOT ahead the whole time. He may have had the popular vote but not the electoral locked in. Trump was ahead in far too many states for a few days for my liking. 

I never saw that Trump was ahead in any manner whatsoever.  On my screen it has showed Trump at 214 since Tuesday, November 3rd, with Biden way out ahead.   And, that 214 number for Trump has not changed since Tuesday, November 3rd.

Even this article saw the same and said on election day "the path was narrow" (for a Trump) win.  The electoral votes were not even close on Tuesday for Trump. 


"Trump entered Election Day convinced of victory, despite polls showing him with only a narrow path to 270 electoral votes."

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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

I agree. 

But, Trump has been disgraceful, even his statements when former President Obama was president.  He was disgraceful to the Muslim people and I live with Muslims in my apartment building.   There are all religions in my apartment building.   He over steps bounds so he can be the Drama King of the universe, and I believe he is a trouble maker where there is none.  I'm not speaking about any re-counts he may want...I'm speaking in general terms. 

I find the political system of America and Puritanism thoroughly archaic.  I want a secular government or a more secular government. 

Well from the two we had to choose from..Being disgraceful to minorities sure didn't seem to hurt the guy that got elected much..

I'm not defending Trump, but I'm not gonna defend Biden either..

From a day and age where people get canceled going years into their past for smaller things than they ever did or said, He must be wearing a good suit of armor..

That or some people are just turning a blind eye or making excuses for his where it was ok for him..Because, log in own eye, stick in the other;)


In my eyes it's ,what's good for the goose is good for the gander..

But it's not done like that.. This is why I'll never sit planted on one side or the other.. because the smell of bullcrap is just way too strong..

These are politicians, not saviors.

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16 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

I'm not defending Trump, but I'm not gonna defend Biden either.

Yeah. God knows I'll take Biden over Trump. And in fairness, Biden is saying all the right things at the moment.

But his history -- which includes supporting segregation -- ain't exactly unblemished.

And, as much as I am glad to see a woman of colour in the role of the VP for the first time, I'm actually not a huge fan of Harris's political past either.

Which is, again, why the Democrats (and the Republicans) need to do a major reboot over the next couple of years.

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14 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Being disgraceful to minorities sure didn't seem to hurt the guy that got elected much..

I know what you are talking about.  The remark about Latino's being a very diverse community.  I thought that was a very weird statement, very weird indeed.  (I'll post it below.)  But, what else...?  I do not read the news every day.  I'm random with the press and their circus.  All I know is systemic racism is high on the list of issues to deal with going forth but I am kind of like 'yeah, we'll see' too.  Yet, I am more hopeful than I have ever been about it.  But, still not going to hold my breath here.  But, it is time for a change, Ceka, in regards to systemic racism, that is for sure.  


At a conference of Latino and black journalists last Tuesday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden gave some rather eye-opening statements during an interview on what he saw as the differences in diversity between the Latino and African-American communities.

“And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know — unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions — the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” Biden told Latina NPR reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro.

“You go to Florida you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona. So it’s a very different, very diverse community.”

Unlike how it would have been for President Trump had he basically said all black voters think alike, most national media outlets paid only the bare minimum attention to the story when the video clips surfaced Thursday. CNN’s straight news division completely avoided it until after Biden (or his social media handlers) “clarified” his remarks on Twitter a full 12 hours after the story went viral on social media.

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17 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Well from the two we had to choose from..Being disgraceful to minorities sure didn't seem to hurt the guy that got elected much..

I'm not defending Trump, but I'm not gonna defend Biden either..

From a day and age where people get canceled going years into their past for smaller things than they ever did or said, He must be wearing a good suit of armor..

That or some people are just turning a blind eye or making excuses for his where it was ok for him..Because, log in own eye, stick in the other;)


In my eyes it's ,what's good for the goose is good for the gander..

But it's not done like that.. This is why I'll never sit planted on one side or the other.. because the smell of bullcrap is just way too strong..

These are politicians, not saviors.

People that are very strongly for one side (Democrat or Republican) are usually willing to turn a blind eye to their own candidates.  

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1 minute ago, FairreLilette said:
21 minutes ago, Ceka Cianci said:

Being disgraceful to minorities sure didn't seem to hurt the guy that got elected much..

I know what you are talking about. 

Biden used to support segregation.


These days, disparaging blacks in any way, no matter how far back in one's history, can result in people having to step down from a position.

In this case though, since Trump was truly horrid in just about every way, people were willing to overlook Biden's previous views and support him anyway.

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39 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Biden used to support segregation.


These days, disparaging blacks in any way, no matter how far back in one's history, can result in people having to step down from a position.

In this case though, since Trump was truly horrid in just about every way, people were willing to overlook Biden's previous views and support him anyway.

In 1977.  Well, the "racial jungle" Biden envisioned never happened.  I have lived in multi-cultural, multi-ethnic communities my whole life and they are not in any way a racial jungle...they are amazing.  We all like each other too - every color, every religion or non-religion...we all like each other too.  I lived in a city that had the 4th lowest crime rate in all of the USA for 30 years because the main thing we had in common is we are all against drugs and for humane and caring rehabilitation.  It's amazing to live in a community like that.  I will never take it for granted again what I have been able to experience.  And, Muslim's have lived with us for 25 years now at least in high numbers in many multi-ethnic communities.  Ultimately, we are all Americans. 


Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing increased scrutiny over his record on busing and racial issues, and this week old comments resurfaced in which he said, in 1977, that non-"orderly" racial integration policies would cause his children to "grow up in a racial jungle." 

EDIT:  And, I should have said 3rd and 4th city for lowest crime rate in all of the USA.  It varied so I didn't know which to pick...but our crime rate was almost nil.

The city with the lowest crime rate according to this (which varies on the ever varying internet, I'm sure, which has it's own circus) ranks Irvine, California as the city with the lowest crime rate in the USA.  California has some vary diverse cultures with very low crime rates.  Not sure how accurate this is, I simply thought it interesting.

What is the safest city in the United States?
1. Irvine, California. Located at the southernmost end of Los Angeles, Irvine is frequently regarded as the safest city in the nation, and with good reason. The violent crime rate is 84 percent below the national average and the property crime rate is 44.5 percent lower.Sep 5, 2020
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40 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:
55 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Biden used to support segregation.

In 1977. 

Yes, back in 1977.  However the point was that many people have been forced out of some position or simply stepped down because someone dug up some really old photo of them doing blackface or some really old racism comment. 

Yet in Biden's case, it doesn't matter to most of the voters because he is a Democrat running for office and they desperately  (justifiably so) do not want Trump.

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1 hour ago, FairreLilette said:

I know what you are talking about.  The remark about Latino's being a very diverse community.  I thought that was a very weird statement, very weird indeed.  (I'll post it below.)  But, what else...?  I do not read the news every day.  I'm random with the press and their circus.  All I know is systemic racism is high on the list of issues to deal with going forth but I am kind of like 'yeah, we'll see' too.  Yet, I am more hopeful than I have ever been about it.  But, still not going to hold my breath here.  But, it is time for a change, Ceka, in regards to systemic racism, that is for sure.  


At a conference of Latino and black journalists last Tuesday, presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden gave some rather eye-opening statements during an interview on what he saw as the differences in diversity between the Latino and African-American communities.

“And by the way, what you all know, but most people don’t know — unlike the African-American community, with notable exceptions — the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community, with incredibly different attitudes about different things,” Biden told Latina NPR reporter Lulu Garcia-Navarro.

“You go to Florida you find a very different attitude about immigration in certain places than you do when you’re in Arizona. So it’s a very different, very diverse community.”

Unlike how it would have been for President Trump had he basically said all black voters think alike, most national media outlets paid only the bare minimum attention to the story when the video clips surfaced Thursday. CNN’s straight news division completely avoided it until after Biden (or his social media handlers) “clarified” his remarks on Twitter a full 12 hours after the story went viral on social media.

If I didn't have to go to bed for work, i could probably post up some stuff.. But I'm not really trying to argue or change a mind or two or anything like that..I was just expressing pretty much where i sit with things.. hehehe

I'd say the best way to find the truth that sits well, is to really just go digging it up..

They both have pretty long public pasts.. To really find out what kind of person each one really is, just look over their timelines..

These two old dogs aren't going to be learning any new tricks that is going to change them..just look at what they were both up to before they each ever got VP or President..

That's all i really did..Let alone mixed that with what i already knew..

Just go into it eyes wide open, clutter cleared out of the way,searching for as honest as you can find, truth and see what you come out with..

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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1 hour ago, LittleMe Jewell said:

Biden used to support segregation.


These days, disparaging blacks in any way, no matter how far back in one's history, can result in people having to step down from a position.

In this case though, since Trump was truly horrid in just about every way, people were willing to overlook Biden's previous views and support him anyway.

It's politics is all.. If they were to get rid of all that thought like that sitting in all those seats..We'd have to have another election just to keep the lobbyists from getting lonely.. hehehe


ETA: Ok, I'm off to bed..everyone have a good day or night or morning or whatever you are having.. hehe

Edited by Ceka Cianci
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I've avoided this thread because of the hostility and partisan **** flinging in it, and I will still continue to do so if it starts again, but I will say this:

If Biden is officially(I.E. Not via sources such as the news who wish they were the government) confirmed as the President, unlike how people were with Trump, I am willing to give him a chance, but only one.

People can say they didn't give Trump a chance because of various reasons such as "what he had said before being confirmed" or promised during campaign, and I am not going to argue about what he has said because it will end up with me talking to brick walls.
My point is, I highly disapprove of Biden because of various things he has said, not only before his campaign, but various campaign promises. So regardless of what either candidate has said in the past, both look equally bad in the sides of the opposing party.
So don't start arguing with me about "but trump said x", I could bring up a lot of stuff Biden said and it will be shrugged off as "oh that's nothing", so arguing about that is pointless and will go no where because both sides will see what each favorable candidate said that opposing side sees as bad, as "nothing". All this will do is just have me ignore whatever you have to say.

If you want to debate with me(Not argue), do so on this:

My primary concerns regarding Biden are censorship, """"equal"""" rights via inequal laws, law enforcement, and potential economy destroying ideas. But if he says he is willing to work in a bipartisan manor, I will give him a chance to try and work with both sides to find a middle ground. I do not have high trust or hopes in him, but who knows, maybe I am wrong, maybe he can prove me wrong.

I'd also like to see him actually want investigation in possible election fraud. I am not saying it is true, but I'm not saying it is false. The flip flop of "Russia hacked the election" in 2016, to suddenly "The election cannot be hacked/cheated/etc", raises suspicion to me.
In the event that there is accusations of election fraud, both parties should be interested in having it investigated, and not to shrug it off. The accusation of Russia hacking the election is as much of a concern to me as the accusations of election fraud. If our election system is possibly compromised and no one wants to look into it, then why even vote in the first place?

Edited by Chaser Zaks
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3 hours ago, FairreLilette said:

I never saw that Trump was ahead in any manner whatsoever.  On my screen it has showed Trump at 214 since Tuesday, November 3rd, with Biden way out ahead.   And, that 214 number for Trump has not changed since Tuesday, November 3rd.

Even this article saw the same and said on election day "the path was narrow" (for a Trump) win.  The electoral votes were not even close on Tuesday for Trump. 


"Trump entered Election Day convinced of victory, despite polls showing him with only a narrow path to 270 electoral votes."

AIf you look at state by state numbers, Trump was ahead up until thursday when Biden started pulling ahead. You cant just go by the states that called for a candidate during an election. 

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45 minutes ago, Chaser Zaks said:

The flip flop of "Russia hacked the election" in 2016, to suddenly "The election cannot be hacked/cheated/etc", raises suspicion to me.

I gotta agree with Lyssa that this statement stood out to me the most and I have not seen anyone say that.  I have never said I don't want a re-count and wanted some answers as to what was going on to put it simply about certain allegations such as some counting was stopped, others weren't.  Some of the press is hyperbole and I just wanted to know what was going on to get to the heart of the matter so I posed that question here to cut to the chase.

I do not mind a recount, all I want is for it to be peaceful.  I think Trump tweets could have (not saying for sure they would) could have incited violence.   I think it's wise neither tweet at this time.  Let a re-count happen but let it be peaceful.

45 minutes ago, Chaser Zaks said:

I could bring up a lot of stuff Biden said and it will be shrugged off as "oh that's nothing", so arguing about that is pointless and will go no where because both sides will see what each favorable candidate

I don't shrug it off as nothing but Biden was raised a Roman Catholic.  If you break with Catholic tradition, it can mean an ex-communication with the Roman Catholic church.  As I was reading Biden's timeline, I could see he was drifting away from traditional Roman Catholic teachings to where he seems to have made that separation and is now a liberal Catholic. 

As far as many "religions" in America, many consider themselves "reformed" which means kind of liberal and not orthodox.  From my current readings, it looks like Biden wants to separate with more traditional Roman Catholic teachings.  There are liberal Catholics in America.  My Mother was a liberal Catholic.  Liberal Catholicism in America has separated from the Roman Catholic church and they have different beliefs than just what the Pope mandates, even including same sex marriage.  

But, I'd add...if there is something you want to say, just say it, whatever it is.

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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

Yeah. God knows I'll take Biden over Trump. And in fairness, Biden is saying all the right things at the moment.

But his history -- which includes supporting segregation -- ain't exactly unblemished.

And, as much as I am glad to see a woman of colour in the role of the VP for the first time, I'm actually not a huge fan of Harris's political past either.

Which is, again, why the Democrats (and the Republicans) need to do a major reboot over the next couple of years.

Good old Jim Crow Joe right?  Your mental gymnastics are astounding to say the least.

An old white guy telling black people they're not black if they don't vote for him.


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16 minutes ago, Gage Wirefly said:

An old white guy telling black people they're not black if they don't vote for him.

No mental gymnastics required, Gage. I don't like him. I've never liked him. I've in fact said that very thing above.

I just like your guy even less.  A LOT less.

And frankly, getting lectured on the importance of racial and ethnic sensitivities by a supporter of Trump is kind of a hoot.

But I'm sure there are fine people on both sides, right?

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18 minutes ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

No mental gymnastics required, Gage. I don't like him. I've never liked him. I've in fact said that very thing above.

I just like your guy even less.  A LOT less.

And frankly, getting lectured on the importance of racial and ethnic sensitivities by a supporter of Trump is kind of a hoot.

But I'm sure there are fine people on both sides, right?

Uh huh.🙄

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Me wonders what people do like about politicians around the world?  I'm not too keen on them in general but they aren't supposed to be Mr. Rogers singing "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood"...it's a rough job.  I would never do it.  But, there is much work to be done to re-build America.  We need jobs, we need health care. 

I may have said Trump should concede but I said that when Biden's tally for electoral votes went over 300 something.  That tally of over 300 something was pulled and I'm sure it's because they've all decided on the re-count with transparency.

It's better to have transparency, then for the voting officials to be called or thought of as a liar as that is a very serious crime to falsify an election.  So, re-count is happening, I gather.

I've also said I'm not crazy about Biden.  I'm ready to look at who Biden is today.  People change but I'm not going to sing "it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood" either. 

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3 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

But his history -- which includes supporting segregation -- ain't exactly unblemished.

People need to research Biden's role in segregation...it's not like he wanted to keep the races separate with some kind of racist notion....he believed it was dangerous at that time. And it was!  Researching my area of the country there were knifings on buses back then, and more.  Plus, busing segregation did little good...it has been a failure...the situation is a mess...and Biden had better ways to mix everybody together but nobody listened.

I don't like neoliberals...and Biden is a neoliberal. So was Obama. But yes, getting rid of someone leading us into authoritarianism and who preaches an 'us vs them' philosophy is a very good thing!  Goodbye!

I remember when Obama won and I angered a friend by sending a video parody of people genuflecting and worshipping Obama. I was making fun of those who seemed to think the Messiah had arrived -- it was pretty crazy during that time period and you'd think heaven on earth had arrived for some of them. I was enthused due to the breaking of racial barriers, but in economic reality Obama governed as the neoliberal he was and did very little to advance causes for minorities specifically, save for providing more health care for some. Should I blame him for not being the radical I wished he had been, or that he possibly was? If he had advanced the causes I wished, no doubt he'd have lost his position of power. Did he sell out, or was he just following the will of the people as well as doing what would afford him the power he desired?

I believe the president reflects the platform and officials of their party, and the party only builds a platform with objectives they believe the people want. So we can't really blame the president (though I surely like to 'punch up' at times and post silly president pics). Ultimately though, we need to place the blame on ourselves for not getting the society we believe is best.

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