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26 minutes ago, Rat Luv said:

Is that Lord Buckethead? I can't remember Elmo.

I was hoping to see the candidates winning and losing when I stayed up to watch the US election the other night, but it was just two people in the BBC studio. It's all I watch elections for 😊

Yeah, it's him. I can't remember the Elmo character's name. 

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1 hour ago, simplemint said:
The campaign for the 45th president of the United States legitimately hosted a press conference at a landscaping store by an adult book shop and crematorium.

They seriously couldn't get a better location!? Silver lining is the hilarious tweets coming out of this whole debacle, like the one above. 

I assume he messed up the location in the tweet beyond any chance of recovfefe and then they had to hold it there.

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4 hours ago, Gage Wirefly said:

The media declared Biden the winner and guess what? They don't call elections and litigation is moving forward.

Isn't it rather the voting result than the medias that makes Biden to the winner?

Edited by Doc Carling
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5 hours ago, Gage Wirefly said:

There was no landslide, not even close.  You really need to check your sources because that is wrong.

I called a Landslide BUT all the votes were not in yet.  So, guess what I was talking about...a prediction perhaps?  It's also been said once all the votes are counted, Biden will have the most votes of any president ever. 

Heck, it's an avalanche that fell on Trump.   My prediction is correct. 

Screenshot (132).png

Edited by FairreLilette
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42 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

Until results are certified, no one has won the election.

This is all mainstream media smoke and mirrors pushing a false narrative.

This election WILL end up in the supreme court.

I dunno about that...



“Networks don't get to decide the election,” Giuliani said at the press conference held outside a gardening center in Philadelphia. “Courts do.”

In fact, the courts are generally not involved in that decision — it falls to elected state officials and ultimately the U.S. Congress.

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44 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

This election WILL end up in the supreme court.

I doubt that. Because it is always the same game. If a candidate wins a thight race, its ok. He never would demand a re-counting or to go on court. But as soon as a competitor wins tight, the same candidate yells: fraud! Fraud! Do you real think the supreme court is wasting time on this comedy?

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5 minutes ago, FairreLilette said:

I dunno about that...



“Networks don't get to decide the election,” Giuliani said at the press conference held outside a gardening center in Philadelphia. “Courts do.”

In fact, the courts are generally not involved in that decision — it falls to elected state officials and ultimately the U.S. Congress.

Courts? Not voters? Then why voting at all? Save the time and let the courts decide right away.

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43 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:


Until results are certified, no one has won the election.


Literally true.

43 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

This is all mainstream media smoke and mirrors pushing a false narrative.

No more than when this same “mainstream media” declared Trump the victor in 2016.

What is this “false narrative” of which you speak? That Biden has won? Upon what facts (not tweets) do you base this assumption? 

Facts. Where are the ones you can martial to support this?

43 minutes ago, BilliJo Aldrin said:

This election WILL end up in the supreme court.

It’s not improbable that the Pennsylvania ballots received will be. And they may be disallowed by a SCOTUS dominated by Republicans, on purely technical grounds. But there are likely not enough of them to make a difference. And they also represent the entirely legitimate voice of real voters — do you have any facts that suggest otherwise?

What evidence do you — or anyone else for that matter — have of widespread fraud? Because I have seen nothing to even hint at that.

You’re pretty smart BillyJo. You know what is required here. Why, for that matter, are you buying this line without having been shown evidence? Is wishful thinking so powerful that it’s silencing your own powers of judgement?

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And the people have the power                                                                                 To redeem the work of fools                                                                                      From the meek the graces shower                                                                            It's decreed the people rule


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If there were issues in one state, ok. Then doubts are allowed perhaps. But to smell an ongoing conspiracy in 4 or 5 states? I mean if common people see all around them enemies, baytrayal and forces wich want to harm them, how do the doctors call that? Paranoia?

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Trump is currently calling for recounts in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan.  Even if those electorals changed his way, those three states don't even have enough electoral votes to take him to 270.  If Georgia, Pennsylvania and Michigan suddenly all three turn in Trump's favor, he'd have 267 electoral votes. 

The man needs to concede.  He's a drama king and out of touch with reality a lot of the time.  Pennsylvania is Joe's home state.  I doubt Trump is going to suddenly be proven winner. 

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I mean....why rig an election to beat Trump, but lose house seats, and have the senate up in the air?

Where they do that at?

The memes and gifs were a joke, but going down the conspiracy path is the road to loonyville.


....wait, wait....let me guess that was so nobody would catch on right?

Edited by Janet Voxel
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15 minutes ago, Lyssa Greymoon said:

I doubt claiming victory on Twitter first will go far in the courts.

I think the same. The judges have lifetime jobs. They can decide what they want. What do we think will they choose? 4 years more with a guy like Trump, who probably expects on and on that they support his political ideas with their decisions like they were just puppets on strings as thank you because he nominated them? And we can bet he does that.

Edited by Doc Carling
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7 minutes ago, Janet Voxel said:

I mean....why rig an election to beat Trump, but lose house seats, and have the senate up in the air?

Where they do that at?

The memes and gifs were a joke, but going down the conspiracy path is the road to loonyville.

Trump is a cult leader to many of them and his position is all that makes sense.  I doubt most of them even understand how government operates and could comprehend the logic you point out.

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While Biden has won this election, this was nowhere close to a landslide.  Even if Biden takes all of the rest of the electoral votes (which is unlikely as Trump will probably get North Carolina and Alaska) that is still only 60% of the total electoral votes.  Even looking at the Popular vote, he is currently sitting at 52% (with Alaska, Georgia, and North Carolina excluded).  

These were landslide victories:


  source https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landslide_victory


I will say that I truly am surprised that Trump managed as many votes as he did.


Edited by LittleMe Jewell
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6 minutes ago, LittleMe Jewell said:


I will say that I truly am surprised that Trump managed as many votes as he did.

Yeah, this was nothing like a landslide. It was a nail biter.

It SHOULD have been a landslide. And now political scientist, sociologists, anthropologists, and most especially Democrat policy makers need to start asking why it was not. 

How can one reach the millions who were taken in by the snake oil? How can the new leadership in Washington address and correct the issues that made so many willing to listen to the quack doctor?

Edited by Scylla Rhiadra
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5 minutes ago, Luna Bliss said:

Trump is a cult leader to many of them and his position is all that makes sense.  I doubt most of them even understand how government operates and could comprehend the logic you point out.

No, that’s not it at all. There are some really intelligent people that support him. The problem is a large percentage of his supporters hate people like you and me for various reasons and their sole purpose is to “own you” and troll you, just to see you upset. It’s schadenfreude...now you’re happy, there going to be at it again, clinging to the ridiculous hope that this election was rigged. The vain hope that this will somehow reach the Supreme Court.

Not going to happen. The best they can hope for is a recount in Georgia.

Its over and time to heal.

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