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Prokofy Neva

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So I heard that the sailing sims were being put in the cloud first and I suppose that makes sense since people who sail are an avid and large group in SL and they want fast sims and less problems with sim seams.

You can get this little halo that turns bright golden when you are on a sim that has already been "uplifted" into the cloud and plays a happy harp song, and which turns grey and plays a sad trombone if you then go to another sim not in the cloud.

The logic escapes me because at first I thought it was just water sims, since I saw the sim Zygaena turn the halo gold -- which has Caldera Pond in it -- but then here I come to find Slosser, which is flat, inland and largely abandoned except for a few parcels with my rentals and a public garden. Grote, which has a pond, did not turn it gold.

Now, if you doubt the little halo, you can double check it by looking at "about Second Life" at the top of the screen under "Help" and see the type of sim. If it says "agni" or "secondlife" then it's one of those earth-bound LL servers. If it says "amazon," then it is in the cloud. And sure enough, Slosser is on amazon.

Indeed, what the halo is doing is reading that information and displaying it visually.

I realize that the quad servers that hold SL sims do not track with the contiguous Mainland, i.e. there might be 4 sims on a server that are not contiguous inworld. Still, I wonder how the uplift is sequenced.


2020-11-03 (1).png

Edited by Prokofy Neva
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