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random abuse from someone i dont know


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Did you leave a negative review on the MP?  I did that on a product that had sixty five-star reviews, versus my single two-star review, so of course some dude and his alts/friends started up with me in-game clear out of the blue lol  Firestorm has a "buh-bye" button for a reason.  😄

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Do you own land?  Someone might be upset by your presence (grrr, that's the place *I* wanted!!!), your builds, or something a guest did.

Did you spurn someone's romantic advance?  Harassing you over that is inexcusable, but you were wondering why the harassment is happening, so that could be it.

Have you posted an opinion here on the forums?  It could be something as simple as "I like tacos."  Tacos?  TACOS?!?!?  How DARE you prefer tacos over pizza!  You're gonna hear from the Pizza Manufacturers' Society of America, buddy boy! 😄

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