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5 minutes ago, rose9991sl said:

hank you for getting my free dasher. All you have to do is hold page down and hit the arrow key forward. Enjoy!!!
               Thank you 
                      d34tht011 resident


how do i make it work?

Do what it says?  Hold page down key then hit up arrow key?  At the same time?

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Actually it does work and since you have no PageUp/PageDown keys you should enable WASD mode in your SL client Preferences as shown in the photo bellow.

That will assign extra keys for your avatar movement.

W = your Forward key
A = your Left key
S = your Back Key
D= your Right Key
E = PageUp/Fly
C= PageDown/Crouch

Then all you have to do for that simple HUD to work is Hold your C key pressed and press either your W key or Up Arrow key.


Edited by Nick0678
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8 hours ago, rose9991sl said:

there is no page down on my laptop. what should i do


I've never known a laptop to not have pg up or pg dn. If you have a separate number pad toggle num lock the pg dn (page down) key is on the number three. If not look on the top row of keys or far right vertical line of keys for pg dn in my experience this is the most common places for it. 

I have had a dasher in the past and in my experience you move around as normal with arrow keys or wasd then give a tap of page down when needed 

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It doesn't sound like the HUD is "spoiled." It sounds like you don't fully understand your laptop. 

On my laptop, the page up/page down keys are just above the left and right arrow keys, respectively, on the keyboard. You'll need to really study the keys on the keyboard to find where yours are. If, by some strange change, you don't have them - or, more likely, can't find them, perhaps because they're not clearly labelled or for some other reason - do as Nick suggested and enable WASD navigation, thus mapping Page Up to the letter E key. 

If it really is broken, though, it was free. You've lost nothing but a small amount of time.

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2 hours ago, Scylla Rhiadra said:

What is a dasher?

A 12 year-old Noob.


2 hours ago, RowanMinx said:

No idea whatsoever but apparently, we haven't needed one in all our years.

Dasher's give you a speed boost. if you were using a game where you had to collect coins, crystals or some other object and competing with another person to get to the object the dasher would allow you to get to it a bit quicker than the other person. Otherwise there doesn't seem to be much else it's useful for 

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